Friday 3 April 2009

A Tea Party in Celebration of Lady Katherine's Birthday

It's a celebration...a Tea Party celebration in honor of Lady Katherine, whose birthday is this Sunday!

Happy Birthday, Katherine! I hope you like Cinnamon-Vanilla Tea and Cranberry scones.
:-) Since the weather here is going to be quite chilly on Sunday, I thought we would enjoy our birthday tea and scones in the family room near a nice, hot fire.

Ahhh, warm and cozy...

Come on in...I have a spot all ready for you right over here.

Pink camellia blossoms from my garden for a beautiful, birthday lady.

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Katherine, Happy Birthday to you!

Time to make a wish and blow out the cake-shaped candle!

How about a warm, wool throw to snuggle down in while you enjoy your tea by the fire.

I know Katherine would love it if you stopped by her blog, Lady Katherine Tea Parlor , and wished her a fabulous birthday! Just click HERE to say Happy Birthday!

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