Wednesday 15 April 2009

Tablescaping with Kim Parker Home Collection, Pattern: Emma's Garland... Welcome to the 34th Tablescape Thursday!

It is sooo pretty out today...why don't we have dinner out on the porch?

We'll just keep our table simple with a little daisy arrangement and a few sweet bunnies.

I'm a little excited today because I have some new china to share in this tablescape. :-) This china is about the happiest china I've ever seen! Can china be happy? Well, it sure makes me happy just to see it! Maybe it's because it has some of my very favorite and green. I've always loved hot pink, and paired with we're really talking!

This happy china (salad plates and chargers) came from Marshalls a couple of weeks ago. The price was way too good to pass up...salads were only $1.99 each and the chargers were $2.99 each. The chargers are amazingly heavy...very substantial.

The white dinner plate and bowl are from "Gollum's china." Yep, that's what we are all calling it here in Blogland. :-) Several of us had to rush off to Big Lots and buy this pretty white china when Michael at Designs by Gollum told us about her amazing purchase. It's made by Gibson and it comes with six, 6-piece place settings (includes a dinner plate, salad plate, cereal bowl, fruit bowl and cup/saucer) a platter, a large serving bowl, salt and pepper shakers and 6 white, ceramic napkin rings...all for $35! :-)

And here are the chargers...don't these say springtime?

A little change of pace this napkin rings for this tablescape. I came across these cute, clip-on, pink and green flowers a couple of months ago in Hobby Lobby...this was several weeks before I found the flowery chargers and salad plates. They were only around $2 for a package of 6. I used them to clip the edge of the napkin to the plate...don't they just look like they belong with the chargers shown in the above picture? :-)

I know Easter is officially behind us, but I can't resist a white bunny mixed in with our fresh, spring table. The bowls in our Gollum china have the prettiest scroll design on the can just see it in this pic. I love layering and the white china contrast so nicely with the floral layers in this tablescape. I'm convinced, if you can only afford one set of china...make it white. The possibilities are endless.

You may remember these Napoleon Bee glasses by La Rochere from one of my Easter tablescapes. I think you'll be seeing a lot of these this summer....they are fast becoming my favorite glasses for everyday use. :-)

You can just see one of the cute bees on the glass in this pic.

The sweet bunny came from Hobby Lobby. He was only $10, at 50% off.

And of course, we must have candlelight! Candlelight just adds so much to a tablesetting, wouldn't you agree?

Wonder what tablescapes await this week...let's go see! :-)

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The following blogs have lovely tablescapes awaiting your visit:

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