Tuesday 23 September 2008

A Surprise Package From Sweet Diane!

On Monday, after a long, stressful day at work, I pulled into my driveway, hopped out of my car, opened my mailbox to get the mail and...SURPRISE!!! A package! I LOVE packages!!! :-)
Look at this adorable box...it even has cute little pansies decorating all the sides! Could this be the package a dear, sweet friend, Diane, recently told me she would be sending my way?
Diane, who has her own blog, Four Paws and Co, recently told me a surprise would be arriving in the mail for me. Is this it? If so, I have absolutely no idea what awaits inside this adorable box. Diane wouldn't tell me, that little stinker. In her e-mail to me, she wrote, "Now for the teaser, since you tormented us in your blog, you know how this one goes..."
Then Diane tortured me with just a few clues, saying, " hmmmm, birds... and it's breakable, aaannnnnndddddd there are 2 pieces. That should really peak your curiosity!"

Ok, I know you all are laughing out there...you're thinking...Yea, Girl...how do you like being on the receiving end of a tease?! :-) Ok, ok, I had it coming!

Oh look, there's a card! Even the envelope is decorated with cute pansies!

Awwwww...and such a cute card...just the type card I would expect from Diane since she is an animal lover just like me. Here are some of Diane's four-legged sweeties...you can see them and her wonderful husband of 37 years pictured on her blog.

Murphy and Bailey...



I'm not one bit surprised by all this lovely packaging because Diane is very creative. She makes gorgeous floral arrangements like the one you see pictured here in this wonderful entry of her home.
Wow! I love this arrangement Diane created. It is actually done by using a punch bowl as the container!

Ok, I can't stand it...back to my mystery package! Look at this precious heart paper...oh, I can't wait to see what's inside...quick...what were those clues again?!

Oh, Gasp! Isn't this darling crystal dish stunning!!!

Oh, I remember one clue, "birds." Diane knows me well...I do love anything having to do with our feathered friends!
It is two pieces...just as Diane hinted! So in addition to being beautiful, I could store something inside. What would you keep inside?

I am sooo thrilled with this precious little crystal bird dish. It combines two of my loves...crystal and birds...I'm in love! :-)

And do you see the precious little birds around the base? Doesn't this wonderful piece just take your breath away?

Diane told me this little dish belonged to her Mom and that her Mom loved crystal, china, silver and figurines. In her e-mail, Diane said, "It was the funniest thing, when I picked this particular item up, your name just popped into my head & it seemed so loud, for lack of a better term. That doesn't normally happen to me, but I felt you should have this little "pretty"."

I couldn't wait to call Diane to tell her thank-you for her wonderful gift. But since Diane lives on the complete opposite coast from where I live, I forced myself to wait just a few hours in case she wasn't home yet. We had so much fun talking and laughing! :-)
My heart just sings with joy each time I gaze upon this beautiful crystal piece. I will think of Diane each time I see this precious little bird here beside me on my desk.

Can you imagine how many people Diane must touch each day with her kindness and generosity?! Diane, you are such an inspiration to me and I'm sure to everyone who knows you! I will never forget your thoughtfulness and this beautiful gesture of friendship. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart!

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