Tuesday 9 September 2008


Friendships made on RMS are unique, because often times, we never actually get to meet each other face to face. We share so much in RMS land...the good times (front page) as well as the bad (troll, trolls, trolls). And sometimes bonds are made that in some ways feel stronger than many of the friendships we have right here at home.

Then, every once in a while, if you're lucky, you get to meet face to face. Last night was one of those special nights for me. Rose (SantaMaker on RMS) came to hear a special guest by the name of Brooks Garcia, speak to my garden club.

You think we can chat up a storm on RMS...you ain't seen nothing! We had sooo much fun, that even our futile attempts to take a photo of the two of us, only to find the batteries in the camera were dead, didn't dampen our spirits. Rose is just as adorable and funny in person as she is on RMS!

And look at this precious bird she brought me...does she know me, or what? Didn't I just post a tablescape all decked out with bird's nest and little birdie napkin rings?! Rose, you are just the best!!!

I do love this sweet little bird! I placed him here long enough to take his picture, but he is now perched right here in my office, near my computer, where he watches over me each evening as I visit my RMS friends and work on my blog.

I feel so blessed to have made so many wonderful friends on RMS. And my hope for all of you is that someday, you will get to meet your RMS friends...

face to face...

and heart to heart.

“The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation that you ever had.”

Rose, you are definitely that kind of friend!

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