Wednesday 3 September 2008

For the Love of Books, Part Deux...

Let's see...where were we? Ah, yes...we were making a decorating book low on calories, but high on inspiration. And who better to inspire than Carolyn Roehm, Charlotte Moss, and Charles Faudree.

At Home with Carolyn Roehm is a huge book, filled with dazzling photos of amazing tablescapes and beautiful floral arrangements. It also contains a lot of great recipes that would work well for entertaining.

I love Charlotte Moss's book, A Passion for's signature Moss. Her book, Design Inspirations, is a small book, but the photos are just gorgeous! I've never ordered a Moss book and been disappointed, never.

The same could be said for Charles Faudree, one of my favorite writers of books on French Country style. If you love French Country, you will love any of Faudree's books. Every page is a delight and I am in awe of his style and talent. He can mix a gazillion different fabrics in one room and it will all go together perfectly...he is truly gifted.

For whimsy, Mary Engelbreit has the market cornered...her books are just plain fun! When you want to add a little whimsy to a room, check out her's always a delight to visit.

Carolyn Westbrook, in her book, Home, shows her gracious southern style as she throws open the door of her very own home and invites us in. I love her relaxed style and gorgeous vignettes.

More great French Country books...but this time by Betty Lou Phillips. Her books are very different from Faudree, but just as wonderful. You can usually find them for reasonable prices on or eBay.

If you lean more toward the cottage style or the shabby chic look, you will really like these cottage books below.

Do you enjoy entertaining? Need ideas on setting beautiful tables? The books below are really helpful and The Art of the Table is the "Miss Manners" of table etiquette. This book also goes deep into the history of where so many of our dining customs originated.

Decorating with China and Glass...great book with great ideas...

Some would find the book called, The Book on the Bookshelf, fascinating, others might find it a total bore. I liked it and found some of the history of the "bookshelf" amazing. The books of yesteryear were rare, highly prized and very different from the books we have today; and they were stored in the most unusual ways.

The Nook Book is an adorable little book that's full of pics of all the little nooks and hideouts we sometimes have in our inglenooks or dormer windows with window seats. I found The Nook Book at Tuesday Morning...another great place for finding good books at reasonable prices.

Some great reference books on sterling patterns, Metlox pottery and Homer Laughlin china... I've enjoyed showing you some of my favorite books...hope you enjoyed the tour! And thanks so much for sharing all the books you love, in your comments on yesterday's post...keep those ideas and suggestions coming! I love hearing what you enjoy and read. :-)

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