Sunday 14 September 2008

Good Golly, I've Been Tagged! :o)

Saturday, I was tagged by sweet Bo, whose blog is Blinks 'N Winks from Brown-Eyes, . Bo tagged me for a game where once tagged, you tell 7 things about yourself....some random and some weird. Well, it should be easy to come up with the weird ones. (LOL) Geesh, I have to actually reveal all the stuff I've been working so hard to hide!
Let's see...random and goes:

1. I took flying lessons when I was 19 and in college. I soloed in a Cessna 150.
2. I love historic homes and have a secret dream to live in one... some day.
3. I love Altoids peppermint chewing gum and always have some in my car, at work and at home.
4. For fun, I enjoy hiking in the north Georgia mountains and biking on The Silver Comet Trail.
5. I must have some noise at night when I'm trying to fall in the winter I run an air purifier and in the summer, I run a that weird? :-)
6. My son, who is 25 years old, just started his first year of law school.
7. I work full time as a Case Manager, investigating suspected cases of abuse, neglect and exploitation of the elderly and disabled.

OK, now for the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2: Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

The 7 people I would like to tag are:

1. Robyn, There is Always Thyme for.....
2. Kendra, Shabby Vintage Chic,
3. Gollum, Designs by Gollum
4. Rhondi, Rose Colored Glasses,
5. Diane, A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Words,
6. Ceekay, Thinkin' of Home,
7. Sally, Salmagundi,

Thanks again, Bo, for a fun's fun learning new things about everyone!

Important information below for Tablescape Tuesday participants
Please e-mail me at , or comment here, if you wish to participate. I will post a list of all those who are participating at the top of my blog on Tuesday. For additional information, click on the Tablescape Tuesday logo on my side bar. Look forward to seeing your tablescapes!

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