Wednesday 24 September 2008

A Trip in my Time Machine! Here we come, 1921!

Remember these from my Bonus Room posting a few days ago? They are bound copies of old newspapers from the Macon Telegraph and News, the local newspaper in Macon, Georgia.

My sister, Glenda, saved them from being destroyed when they were being discarded. I turned them into an end table for the bonus room. :-)

Thought I'd share some of the advertisements and articles that were published in some of the Jan-March 1921 issues of the Macon paper. Some of the articles refer to events or stores in Macon, Georgia, where the Macon Telegraph and News is published. Other articles are about national events.

Hope you enjoy this little trip in my time machine! Buckle your seat belts because we are going way back to a time when chicken pox and typhoid fever were still a threat...and WWI was still a very fresh memory!

From the "Society" page...the caption beneath the pic reads: "Miss Margaret Brown, lovely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pitt M. Brown. Miss Brown is one of the most attractive members of the younger set."

Scary times...

Note the last line of this article...


The way weddings were announced...

Times have changed...

Ummmm, reminds me of recent problems with goods coming into our dog food...

Playing at the local theater...

My alma mater...thank goodness I didn't have to worry about quarantines!

Dentistry pricing in 1921...the examination is free and you can get a gold crown for $3.00!

Love the wording in this ad for margarine...

I thought Coke was a beverage created here in Georgia. Look at the phone number!

Prices in the local drug store...

Hats were an important staple in a woman's wardrobe...

Advertisement for a new store just opening up in town...check out the cars in 1921...

More prohibition...


Prices at the local A & P grocery store...

Again, scary times...

The newly elected President was Warren G. Harding...pic of his wife shown below...

March 8th, 1921...

Men's clothing prices...

More dentistry...

More grocery pricing in 1921...

Sign me up!


Women's clothing prices...

My feet hurt just looking at these pics...
Glad we don't see these kinds of ads anymore!

I don't even know what piles are...not sure I want to know either! (LOL)

We obsessed over our skin even back then...

Some things never change...
Ok, close your eyes and click those glittery red heels together and repeat after me: "There's no place like home, there's no place like home!" :-)

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