Friday 2 April 2010

Happy Easter Weekend!

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day here! I am so happy to see the sunshine lasting a little longer every day. :-) I noticed a few days ago some birdies are building in the dovecote in my perennial garden again this year. I could see grassy stuff hanging out of one of the entrances. I haven't actually seen the birds, so I'm not sure if it's my bluebirds again. I really hope it is! :-) Are you seeing lots of birdie activity in your area, too?

Today is, also, Pink Saturday, hosted by Beverly, at How Sweet the Sound . Please, be sure to visit Beverly's wonderful blog to see a complete list of all the participants in today's Pink Saturday.

Before it's too late, I thought I'd share how my front door looks this time of year...well, that is for two more days...then it will change again.

Found this egg wreath at Pier 1 a few years ago. It was a bit pricey the first time I spotted it. I waited a few days and caught it 50% off. :-)

See you Sunday evening for Met Monday! Have a wonderful weekend!

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