Friday 30 April 2010

Historic Home Tour in Roswell, Georgia

Historic Home Tour in Roswell, Georgia:

We haven't gone on an historic home tour in a while. Come check out these homes in Roswell, Georgia. You'll notice, it was still wintertime when I took these pics.

This house (Mimosa Hall) has always intrigued's very hidden and these shots taken in the winter are as much as you ever get to see from the road...

I zoomed in for a little closer view...

Enjoy the tour...I'll pop in here and there. :-)

You'll notice a lot of the historic homes in Roswell are being used for businesses...

There sure are a lot of white houses in Roswell, aren't there? I just noticed that as I created this post. :-)

Some are being used as event centers...

This is Bulloch Hall...their website says, "Bulloch Hall was built in the Greek Revival style in 1839 by Major James Stephens Bulloch, one of Roswell's first settlers. It was here on December 22, 1853, the Bullochs' daughter, Mittie married Theodore Roosevelt Sr. The couple became the parents of Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States."

I toured this home a couple of years ago. The tour guide told us that it is said to have a ghost. :-) One of the neatest parts of the tour was when they allowed us to see the attic and it's the size of 4-5 rooms in most folks homes. It's being used for storage, but it was amazing to see. You could walk around in it...the ceilings were really high.

This house is a private residence...

There are so many business in the historic homes around it, they have a sign out front that tells passerbys that it's a private residence.

I thought the mirror on the porch was kind of interesting...

This is Barrington's open for tours each day. I was able to go inside when I purchased a tour package called, The Southern Trilogy. It included Bulloch Hall and the Smith Plantation.

Their website says, "Aristocrats from the Georgia sea coast, seeking a healthier climate, selected the site of Roswell, and here, on the bluffs over looking the creeks of the Chattahoochee River, they built their plantation homes in the early-19th century. Barrington King, co-founder of Roswell, selected the highest point in Roswell for his home, Barrington Hall. It was built in the Greek Revival style of architecture and was completed in 1842. The home remained in the hands of the Barrington King Family until 2002."

You can read more about Barrington Hall at their website...just click on their name.

They have a nice boxwood garden on this side of the's beautiful in the summertime.

Hope you enjoyed this little historic home tour in Roswell, GA.

Well, what now?!

First and foremost, I just want to say a big THANK YOU to the overwhelmingly sweet e-mails I have been receiving. Not saying this to be all "oohh I get tons of emails!" braggy braggy, but to say a sincere thank you to the few emails I woke up to this morning that just wanted to wish me Good Luck on my last Final Exam in Art History today! Seriously! That made my day and helped me face the big bad wolf with a little more courage. Granted, I wasn't exactly as prepared as I would have liked to have been, but I chalk that up to the fact that I was just burnt out. Either way, I am now a free woman! I wish I could lay back and take it all in but I have to work tonight haha Womp Womp Wompppp!

The past week has been one of the most stressful of my life. Over the past year and a half, I've really reinvented myself to not be one who stresses or worries. I take things as they come and I always hope for the best. Worry and stress solve no problems, right? Well, this stress wasn't backing down. Luckily I came out on the other end and just as I finished up my exam and left campus, I was greeted with an email in my inbox from Erin (Senior Designer) at BUST! She let me know that everything is in place and BUST will be in it's new home by my arrival. I even get a desk! Giddy! It was the kind of overwhelming excitement and a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. The kind of AWESOME where all you want to do is cry. So in between sobs you're trying to regain control of your cheeks because they're darn near your eyeballs from smiling so big! Yeah! I was just so relieved to be through with semester; So ready to be on my way to NYC. It was the kind of feeling where you just KNOW. I'd say something cheesy like it's when you just know you've found "the one"... that's how BUST feels to me. I instantly feel reenergized, inspired, and empowered. The stress of finals makes me question why I chose a degree in graphic design to begin with, and then BUST brings that feeling of accomplishment. I'm so incredibly blessed to be interning with such an amazing publication. I cannot thank my lucky stars enough! NYC, get ready. I'm coming for you!

I have so much to get done in the next few weeks. I don't even know where to start. I can't believe that come Monday, I have absolutely no agenda for a while! Amazing! I just might stay in my jammies all week! Haha well no, that would be overkill. But maybe a full 24 hours! Mike's birthday is on Wednesday so I must prepare for that. I have to ship out some packages from Kaelah's Closet (You can still buy stuff! CLICK HERE to get more info!) Mom's birthday and Mother's Day are right around the corner. And I really want to get some dresses sewn.

So much to do but I'm pumped. Good things are happening this Summer. Can't you just feel it?! This is my Summer. This is the Summer in which things will come to fruition! I'm sure of it!

Whatever your plans may be, whether you're still in finals or on the brink of starting/finishing them, just think about the magical Summer ahead of you! Even if you're not taking a vacation or doing anything glamourous, make the most of it! Make this Summer YOURS! It's a good good year!

I'm going to go dye my hair (so overdue!) and hang out with Baby G for a while before meeting Mike on his lunch break! I hope this is the most magical Friday you've ever had! Feel free to email me and say hello if you're a new reader! (or even if you're not!) KaelahBee (@) Gmail (dot) com!


PS; I've received a few emails about Internships and how to get them, etc etc etc. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ASK ME HERE or email me! I'm in no way an Internship Guru or anything, but sometimes it helps to ask someone who has been in your shoes :) (that's what I did!). Also, there was a girl at one point who wanted to intern at BUST... did you ever apply?!

PPS; I've been listening to Maria Taylor and Meiko all day! And here's one of my favorite songs/lines from Maria Taylor!

Maria Taylor : LadyLuck
follow yourself and hope that you know where you're going
and don't question your steps that lead you into the moment
and you'll meet a friend along the way
you can't wait for each new day
it doesn't always work the way you planned it
i like it better this way

Julia + Steven Engagement

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Tablescaping with Villeroy & Boch, Melina... Welcome to the 88th Tablescape Thursday!

Today was one of those unbelievably gorgeous spring days! The trees are all dressed in their spring green and it's time for some tablescaping out on the porch. No words today...just pics. :-) Enjoy!

Chargers: Neiman Marcus, 2-3 years ago
Dinner Plates: Villeroy & Boch, Pattern: Melina, Rich's 20+ years ago
Red Salad Plates: HomeGoods, two years ago
Rooster Appetizers: HomeGoods, recently
Rooster Glasses: Old Time Pottery, a few months ago
Flatware: Gourmet Settings, Treble Clef, HomeGoods, 6 months ago but still available
Plaid Napkins: Marshalls, 6-8 months ago
Organza Napkin sheaths: The Magnolia Room in Marietta, GA
Napkin rings: Pier 1, two years ago
Candlesticks: Hobby Lobby, 2-3 years ago
Candles: Colonial Candle
Rooster Centerpiece: Steinmart, many years ago
Greenery: Nandina from my yard, along with moss from the Dollar Tree

Looking forward to viewing your beautiful tablescapes!

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