Friday 5 December 2008

Weekend Antiquing Trip

Recently, when I was out antiquing in Roswell, Georgia, I came across a Christmas tree and yes, it was  pink!  Beverly, at How Sweet the Sound is hosting Pink Saturday so stop by and check it out.

Look at all the wonderful vintage ornaments I found nearby...and yep...some were pink.

Check out these forks! Can you guess why they are shaped this way?

Here's a little sign that explains...

Do you have any odd forks that you aren't using? They could be used to display a favorite photo, as place card holders or to hold a cute pink plate like you see here.

Not everything I saw this day was pink, but I couldn't resist sharing a few more of the lovely things I found. I loved this etched cloche. It was priced at $52...a bit steep for my purse...but beautiful, all the same.

This wonderful Art Nouveau buffet is made from fruit wood. The card said it was made in Italy between 1900 and 1920. It started out at $4,750 and has been marked down several times...last price was $3,295. The carvings and leaded glass are stunning!

Remember when Michael at (Designs by Gollum) did that fabulous post about Trapp candles? Well, I've been on the look out for some ever since. I was so excited when I came across them here in this shop. Of course, I had to try Gollum's favorite scent, Orange-Vanilla. I also bought a Jasmine-Gardenia one. As I sit here creating this post, I'm enjoying the Orange-Vanilla candle and it's heavenly. :-)

The Orange-Clove was amazing, too. I had to smell every last one of them before I decided on the two I bought. :-)

I think these would have worked well in the Thanksgiving "hunt" themed tablescape I posted can see it by clicking here. They were priced at $16.50 each...not bad.

Now this you have to see!!! The little sign described it as an "incredible AMI upright Orchestrian Player Piano." Inside the piano you have the whole band! I think that's a xylophone up front. Can you see the drum on the left side?

You can see a triangle in the back, as well as a tambourine and a cymbal. The sign said the piano works, but the rest is in non-working order. In working condition, it is said to be valued at between 15,000 to 18,000. It was priced at $2,500....and I think it was 40% off that! Working or not, I thought it was pretty amazing.

Need a bar for your finished terrace level/rec room?

Saw this cute pillow and thought, "hey...that's my cat!" :-)

Max refuses to tell me if he was the model for this pillow, but look at the tip of the tail and that girth...I think there's no denying it! :-)

Hope you enjoyed our little shopping trip. Have a great weekend!

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