Sunday 28 December 2008

He's Still Not Talking...But We Know!

A few weeks back, you and I went on a shopping/antiquing trip for Pink Saturday...and I came across this pillow.

I was sure Max, my constant companion, had snuck out of the house and posed for the maker of the pillow...although, Max wasn't talking. Just look at the tip of the tail and that girth...I think there's no denying it! :-)

I didn't purchase the pillow...that day. But after reading all of the comments y'all left on that post, I called the store and said, "Don't sell that pillow! That's my cat and I'm coming to get it!" Well, what do you think?

Since the screened-in porch is Max's favorite spot, the pillow just seemed to belong here, too. :-)

I attempted to get Mr. Max to pose again tonight, but he wasn't having it. Still in would seem. :-)
Little reminder: Tuesday is Tablescape Tuesday. (Click on the pink TT logo in my sidebar for the details.) Last week we had thirty-seven participants...fantastic! Remember, you do not have to dress a full table to participate...a single place setting or a lovely table for two is fine, too!

If you don't blog and thus, don't have a blog on which to post a tablescape, you can participate by posting your tablescape on Rate My Space. Just e-mail the direct RMS link to me at, and I will include you as a participant in this Tablescape Tuesday. :-) Please let me know by Monday evening, 8:00 PM, if you do plan to participate. Looking forward to seeing your tablescapes!

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