Monday 31 May 2010

3 New YouTube Videos

I apologize for looking/sounding pretty ridiculous in these. But they're in reply to a few requests I received via FormSpring so hopefully they do the trick! Don't forget to head down to the entry prior to this one and download the new Monday Mixtape! Enjoy!


kate compton

my boyfriend's cousin's girlfriend [ha] is absolutely gorgeous. these are just a few pictures of her that i love. she is super cute and has a fun personality!!! want to see more? go to: or: facebook and search for kate compton to see more of her!

here is a little more information about our dear kate!
" Hi i am Kate Compton
My dream has been to be a model ever since i was a little girl. I am a very strong willed person when i want something there is no stopping me from working hard to get it.  :]

im currently looking to do high fashion shoots. Please have a MUA and a stylist. Also i currently dont have an agent but im looking for one.If you are interested in working with me please email me at
[follow her!]

she's gorgeous! ♥ enjoy!!!

Mixtape Monday: So Long Sweet Tennessee

It's been a hot minute since I've posted a Mixtape Monday download, but low-and-behold, it is here! I've really been digging this playlist so hopefully you like it too. No hard feelings if you don't, though!

(click on title to download)

To see and download other Mixtape Monday playlists, click the "Music Monday" label at the top of this entry! It'll take you to all of them! Huzzah! Enjoy!


PS; What are some songs/artists/bands you've been digging lately? Gimmie some new tunes! We've got a 16 hour drive to make this weekend to NYC so I'll be updating my iPod!

NieNie Dialogues

I'm sure many of you have heard of the amazing woman Stephanie Nielson of Utah. In August 2008, Stephanie and her husband were involved in a nearly fatal plane crash. They both survived, miraculously, but not without injury. Both Stephanie and Mr. Neilson (as she fondly refers to him) were on the receiving end of third degree burns and Stephanie was even in a coma for 3 Months. As a mother of four young children, you can imagine the obstacles she would be facing upon waking up in a hospital bed and her entire life changing.

But don't be sad for NieNie. Instead, read, watch, and listen to her story... be inspired. I've only been reading her blog for the past year or so, but it was a tweet by my friend Lindsey that directed me to this video, which I seemed to have missed. The entire 8 minutes is just overwhelmingly inspiring. To know their entire life has changed, but she has overcome the initial shock and she's decided to share her story with the world. Oprah has even had the pleasure of sitting with this amazing woman.

I feel so incredibly privileged to just watch this video and read her blog. The way she is able to handle herself is just incredible. She doesn't let her bad days overpower her. Instead, she acknowledges her feelings and she pushes forward. A lesson I think we could all take from her.

Just watch this little video. Regardless of where you find yourself on the religion scale, you can take so incredibly much from this video. Then visit Stephanie's blog by CLICKING HERE.

I hope you were able to see what I saw. Thanks to Lindsey for sharing the video on Twitter. Here's another blog to add to your blog roll! Enjoy!


nikon d3000

umm...yeah. i decided to go with the nikon d3000 instead. i'm going to pick it up with my boyfriend right now. i ammmm sooooooooo excited! pictures soon to come.

and there are going to be tons of them!!! so get ready!!! :)


Sunday 30 May 2010

nikon coolpix l100

my boyfriend is the best. we are looking online right now for a new camera for me. i want a nikon coolpix l100. we're just trying to find the perfect one, and then we're going to go for it.

wish me luck! and i'll be back to tell you all about how much i love shooting. this summer is going to be a dream with a new little camera to love.


Painting a Tablescape: Welcome to the 72nd Metamorphosis Monday!

How was your Memorial Day weekend? We were furloughed on Friday and have Monday off for the holiday, so I'm relishing my 4 day weekend.

Metamorphosis Monday:

A few weeks ago, I posted this tablescape for TT. Here's the Before:

And here is the After once our talented Fifi worked her magic. Fifi took this romantic setting and with her amazing, creative talent, turned it into a lovely work of art. :-) Check out Fifi's site for more wonderful paintings or to commission your very own.

Looking forward to seeing your Before and After! Please link up to MM at the bottom of this post.

If you are participating in Metamorphosis Monday: Please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address. To get your permalink, click on your post name, then just copy and paste the address that shows up in the address bar at the top, into the "url" box for the picture linky. You'll also need to put your e-mail address in, but don't worry, it will not be visible to anyone.

I'd love it if you would include the MM button in your post, to let others know you are participating. To do that, just copy and paste the Met Monday button to your computer or grab the code from underneath the MM logo on my sidebar.

Please include a link in your MM post back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch. Why is this important? When you include a link back to BNOTP, it ensures your regular readers/visitors will find the other awesome "Before and Afters" linked for this Metamorphosis Monday. If everyone links back, this maximizes the opportunity for visits for all who participate.
Please do not add your link below, until your MM post is actually published to your blog.

Let's try something fun today! Please visit the person who linked before you and after you...that way everyone will get some visits. Hope you'll visit more, of course. :-)

Way Back When Picture Post

Before I had my mom's portrait tattooed on my inner upper arm, I went through some old photo albums at my Nana's house. While I didn't take them out and take them to be scanned, I nabbed a few low-quality photos with my iPhone. They're not great, but they get the job done. And I thought I'd share them today!

This is my Great Grandfather and Great Grandmother, my Nana's parents. They were immigrants from Poland. They came over via Ellis Island in the earlier quarter of the century. (My Nana [grandmother.. not great grandmother!] was born in 1932 in Michigan.) I would really really love to travel to Poland one day soon.

This is my Nana and Papa back when they were first married in 1949. Weren't they gorgeous?! Brownie Franklin and Patricia Genevieve. My Papa passed away when I was 8, in 1996, but my Nana is alive and kicking! I already have a tattoo for her on my calf, and my Papa's will be in August once I return to Nashville.

This is my late Aunt Kay, who everyone says I favor.

My late Aunt Kay again with her daughter Stephanie. Both passed away after a horrific car crash in 1974 when my aunt was only 22 and my cousin only 2. I was named after both of them. Valerie Kay (Kaelah) and Stephanie Dawn (Kaelah Dawn). I've always said if I could have dinner with anyone in the world, alive or otherwise, I'd probably choose my aunt. I'd really like to know what she was like.

My sweet Mama! I used to love looking through her old yearbooks and stuff. The last photo is her senior portrait from 1978 which I had tattooed on the inside of my full sleeve.

As a baby, in 1988.

I always felt like I was channeling Pretty Woman in this photo, just you know, sans the prostitute thing.

Sophomore Year of High School, I believe. Well 10th/11th grade? I will never have short hair again!

Sophomore Year Softball. I'm not even sure I wore makeup haha

Sophomore Year Volleyball, I think. All I know is that hair thing I've got going on was NOT working for me!

Senior Year. Bad haircut, no eyelashes, no eyebrows, lined my eyes with dark black eyeliner. Man oh man!

I'm going to try to find more pictures this week! I'll definitely post them if I happen across them.

Do you have any old photos of your family or yourself? Post them! I want to see! Leave links to your posts if you do!


And The Winner Is...

Winner of the Mary Sew Giveaway is...

Congratulations Emilie! Shoot me an email at KaelahBee (@) Gmail and I'll have your cute little necklace shipped to you this week! Thanks to everyone else who entered! I'll have the big Birthday and 600 Followers Giveaway this week!


PS; I'm still accepting sponsors for June! You can partake in a sponsored giveaway to boost your traffic! Shoot me an email if you're interested or have any questions! New sponsors will be up tomorrow! Keep your eyes peeled, y'all! (Email me at: KaelahBee (at) Gmail (dot) Com!)

Saturday 29 May 2010

Cute Things!

A cute little post, just to put a smile on your face!

(photos courtesy of F*YeahCuteAnimalss)

If you didn't say "AWWW" audibly at least once during this post, I'm not quite sure you're human. :P You can't deny those sweet baby animals, right?!


new tattoo

yes please. this tattoo is absolutely perfect. i am trying to find something that would be super perfect but i have had no luck. so this post is for any ideas. post pictures and links to the cutest tattoos that you know of! thanks all!

I gotta brand new tattoo
All the colors in it remind me of you
The blue is for the bruise that you left in my heart
And the red if for the color we're 'bout to paint this town
Oooh, I gotta new tattoo
