Tuesday 25 May 2010

My Mom

when i think of my mom, i think of a very strong willed individual. i think of the woman that would give up anything and everything on her to-do list, to do anything for me. as i think back over the years that i have spent with my mom, we had some really good times together.

we have always been the best of friends. of course, there were days...but we got through them together.

when i think back about being a little kid, i remember my mom. i remember her always doing crafts, painting, sewing, singing and just be artistic. she would always make the house look super cute with her fun projects and unique decor. holidays were also very fun because of this. every holiday on the calendar was met with such joy! from easter, st patricks day and valentines day to thanksgiving, halloween and christmas, we always had a good time.

parties, gatherings and things of that nature i would say, is my mother's specialty. anytime that COULD call for a party, would. i remember always having the best birthday parties with my friends. from my barney birthday party when i was 3 to my 16th birthday which was a 'dress as your favorite rock star' theme. we would spend hours thinking of the best decorations and hour'deurves to serve at the event. then, one of my favorite parties was a 'just because' party. i got my braces off and i came home to a home full of my closest friends and a cake to celebrate! little things like that were always fun.

when i think about my mother as a person, i think very highly. she is strong. she is beautiful and fun beyond measure. she knows who her true friends are and doesn't put up with nonsense. which is something that i value in my life. i have learned so much from my mother, but her ability to be a strong woman is important and something i love. she knows what she wants and knows what it takes to meet her goals.

speaking of goals, she always supported me with mine. from grades in school, to piano recitals, my mom always pushed me to get what i wanted. she helped me with the notes i couldn't find and helped me with my multiplication table [which if you know me, is not my strong suit...soooo i must not have listened well]. she came to all of my track meets and every single school presentation. from my 7th grade speech class 'play', to the time i built the Colosseum out of chocolate cake for my WAFL class.

and the time that i needed her the most, she was there. she was there for me after a car accident that changed my life. it was a fairly large crash in the winter of 2006. i was doing so well in school. i was happy. and things, per usual, came easy for me. i mean, i would work for everything, but it was no longer just a breeze.

i had a moderate brain injury and lost some of my memory. i couldn't remember my classes in school, or where my locker was, much less the combination. my mom came to school with me for a few days to help me get back up on my feet. she spoke with my teachers which would have been easy for me to do days before, but i was no longer able to communicate on the level i had before. it was just different. she helped me til the late hours of the night finishing homework that i really had no idea what i was doing cause i didn't understand in class.

she took me to every dr's appointment. EVERY doctors appointment. not ONCE did i have to go on my own. she held my hand while i cried and bled mascara all down her white shirt while they drew my blood cause she knows that i hate needles on that part of my arm.

my mom always called me pretty, beautiful and gorgeous. which seems like such a 'little' thing, but it always made me feel good.

my mom taught good values to my siblings and myself. we are all really good people because of things that she and my dad taught us. we are all healthy and happy. i believe that's not just because we choose to be. it has a lot to do with how we were raised. we grew up stress free. there was nothing ever too stressful, or more than a normal kid would be "stressed" about.

my mom always showed me patience. she always had so much patience with us kids. if 2 kids were fighting, shouting or rustling up the house, she would always calmly ask us to do different. it was never a yelling fest or anything.

she taught us how to clean. which sounds lame. but it's sooo true. a lot of kids just grow up with no responsibilities. their parents just worship the ground they walk on. and that's not okay. we always had our responsibilities. from the time i can remember, we had to clean after ourselves and be respectful. that's something that a lot of kids miss these days. even 'kids' my age. they were never taught.

my mom has the softest and prettiest hands. she would always do my hair every morning, for as long as i would let her. she would always be so soft and try not to tug or pull. she has a very gentle touch.

my mom has gorgeous eyes. they are blue blue blue. she has great teeth and a pretty smile. she is super skinnnny! and very pretty.

the only thing missing with this picture is the fact that i have not seen her in months!!! its crazy how you realize how much you took someone for granted until they're no longer nearby. hopefully one day soon, i will be able to see her again. :)


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