Thursday 20 May 2010


its my dad's birthday today. i sent him a card and some gift cards so that he could take my mom out on a nice little date for his birthday. i remember my parents always making time for each other on special occasions such as this. the kids would all stay home or go visit grandma. and i think that time is so special. so hopefully, they will be able to have a lovely evening out.

i also haven't spoken with my dad in quite some time. so i decided to shoot him over a message:

me: Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a great day!! I love you!
dad: Hey thanks! You are the first to wish me that. Hope you have a great day too. Love you always.

would you like to know how good it felt to talk briefly with my dad after such a long time?

it was excellent. more than excellent, it was perfect. i miss him.

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