Friday 28 May 2010

James, James Young

so today, just now, i was chatting with James Young. he is my best PH rep friend. we work together. although i wish that we could actually work together in the same office, cause him being in the phillippines makes me super sad, but i'll take what i can get.

but anyway, we were chatting today, as we do frequently and he began telling me how he is a complete jokester to his teammates in the phillippines. he told me how one of his friends, mike, opened up an IM to get assistance and asked for someone to 'check the issue'. welllllllll...james, being the smarty pants that he is, put a huge black checkmark on the screen.

we then continued our conversation about how he 'trashes' mike all the time. the conversation is as follows:

~ j A m E s ~ says (4:14 PM):
i always trash him..

paislea elyse says (4:14 PM):
do you not like him?

~ j A m E s ~ says (4:14 PM):

paislea elyse says (4:14 PM):
or you just like to joke with him?

~ j A m E s ~ says (4:14 PM):
he's ok..

paislea elyse says (4:14 PM):
you like him.
jk jk jk jk

~ j A m E s ~ says (4:14 PM):
I just like to fuck him evrytime he opens an IM

paislea elyse says (4:14 PM):
that was rude.

~ j A m E s ~ says (4:14 PM):

paislea elyse says (4:14 PM):

~ j A m E s ~ says (4:14 PM):

paislea elyse says (4:14 PM):
i'm not kidding.
you like to f*** him.

~ j A m E s ~ says (4:14 PM):

paislea elyse says (4:14 PM):
at work?

~ j A m E s ~ says (4:14 PM):
no not that
come on..

paislea elyse says (4:14 PM):
~ j A m E s ~ says (4:14 PM):
I just like to fuck him evrytime he opens an IM

~ j A m E s ~ says (4:15 PM):

paislea elyse says (4:15 PM):
you said it.

~ j A m E s ~ says (4:15 PM):
I guess I did..
but not that fuck..
let me rephrase that..
I just like to mess with him evrytime he opens an IM

paislea elyse says (4:15 PM):
much better.

i just had to share. i loved it. he makes me giggle. ♥ and there is his picture. haha.

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