Sunday 22 November 2009

Thanksgiving Tablescape Welcome to the 45th Metamorphosis Monday!

For this weeks Met Monday, we're going to Bonnie's beautiful home to see how she has transformed her hutch in her breakfast room. When we last saw it around the end of October, it was all decked out for Halloween. Remember this amazing pic?

Well, honey, that was so, three weeks ago! Feast your eyes now! Wow...quite a transformation from it!

Come a little closer for a better view...

Love this guy...he appears to be a tureen. Wouldn't he be gorgeous in the center of a tablescape?! I love the platter he's sitting on, too!

Today's Met Monday has a bonus! Bonnie is sharing her Thanksgiving tablescape. Oh, I see the lower half of the hutch you see the harvest pumpkins?

Another gorgeous Fitz and Floyd tureen is acting as the centerpiece on Bonnie's Thanksgiving table.

Wow, he's huge and fabulous! Perfect for Turkey Day!

I love all the colors...he really is stunning!

Intricately carved, wooden chargers are the base for our place setting...

Love the Johnson Bros. 'His Majesty' salad plates! You'll find a list at the end of this post showing all the items Bonnie used for her tablescape.

Beautiful embroidered napkins with a pretty leaf design...

Your soup will be served in your own little turkey tureen. Love the bark flatware! I've sort of become obsessed with different kinds of flatware lately...wonder who got me on this kick? ;-) You can really see the beautiful tablecloth in this pic...the colors are so perfect for this fall tablescape.

Let's dim the lights and enjoy by candlelight...


Bonnie, thanks so much for generously sharing your home with all of us. Your hutch is stunning and your Thanksgiving tablescape was a delight!

China: Dinner Plates, Plymouth from Williams-Sonoma and Johnson Bros., 'His Majesty'
Flatware, Glass Turkey mini tureens and Wood Chargers: Panach, which is unfortunately, no long in business
Stemware: Marshall's
Turkey Tureen Centerpiece & Platter: Fitz & Floyd, 'Country Gourmet'
Linens: Tuesday Morning

Love Tablescaping, but don't have a blog?
Do you love playing in the dishes and creating beautiful tablescapes, but don't have a blog on which to showcase those great tablescapes? Well, here's your chance! Each Saturday, during the month of December, I will publish photos of your tablescapes, to share with readers who visit BNOTP. It can be a holiday tablescape or a regular, non-themed's up to you.

Here's how it works:
Send me 5-6 of your favorite photos of a tablescape you've created, along with a brief description (if you like) of how you created it or where you got your inspiration.

E-mail you pics to with the subject "Saturday Tablescapes." Each Saturday, during the month of December, I will post tablescapes that were submitted by readers/followers of BNOTP.

A few tips:
1. Try taking your pics without using the flash, if possible. Turn on lamps, etc... in the room for light. Your pics will turn out much prettier without the glare of the flash. (Hint: Tripods help in low lighting, although I don't much like using them.)

2. Give us one "overall" shot of your tablescape so we can see the whole table. Then give us some closeups of your place settings, centerpiece and any other details you wish to share.

3. Give us a brief list of the patterns/brands of china, stemware, flatware, centerpiece, etc... you used and where and when you acquired those items.
Here's an example:
China: Lenox, Winter Greetings, Macys, 3 years ago
Stemware: Dollar Store, 2 weeks ago
Centerpiece: Fitz and Floyd, eBay, 2 months ago
Flatware: Pattern unknown

BNOTP readers are an inquisitive bunch...we always want to know the name of your china, stemware, etc...and where and how long ago you bought it, so we can go buy some, too! :-) If it's no longer available, break it to us gently. ;-)

Please list the elements you use, as I've shown in the above example in your e-mail to me. That will greatly assist in the preparation of the post and will make those folks viewing your tablescape very happy people. :-)

Please let me know if you have any questions. I'll reply via a comment here on this post and will try to amend the above information to include any additional details I've overlooked.

If you are participating in Metamorphosis Monday, please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address. If you aren't sure how to obtain your permalink or have any questions about using Mr. Linky for this post, just click HERE for detailed instructions.

Don't forget to copy and paste the Met Monday logo button to your computer so you can add it to your side bar and your Met Monday post. That way visitors will know that your are participating in Metamorphosis Monday.

Please be sure to link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch, so your fellow bloggers who are participating today, will get lots of visits, as well.

Please do not add your link below until your Met Monday post is actually published to your blog.

Fabulous "Before and Afters" await your visit:

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