Wednesday 25 November 2009

Christmas Tablescape: Welcome to the 66th Tablescape Thursday!

Happy Thanksgiving, this Tablescape Thursday! After posting Thanksgiving tablescapes all week, how about a whimsical Christmas table setting? I took pics in different types of lighting...amazing all the different looks you get by just changing the lighting.

Tilted the shutters closed to enjoy the candlelight a bit.

Love those Christmas plaids.

Salad plates are from HomeGoods. Dinner plate is Lenox, Butler's Pantry Gourmet.

This whimsical Gourmet Settings flatware worked well for this tablescape. The flatware pattern is Treble Clef and it is available by clicking on Gourmet Settings Flatware.

If you follow BNOTP on Facebook (link on sidebar) you remember the amazing deal I found on this Spode glassware at Marshalls.

Plaid napkins are from Marshalls, also.

Beaded napkin rings were only $1 each from Old Time Pottery.

They add a touch of glamour to our whimsy.

Another fabulous find I shared a few weeks ago with BNOTP Facebook followers was this whimsical Dept. 56, cake cover. The cover was going on eBay for $50-$75. I found it at TJ Maxx for $19.95. I started my search for a cute cake stand to go with it... that was also, reasonably priced.

Doesn't this one look like it was made to go with was only $12 at Marshalls.

This guy makes you think of The Nutcracker ballet, doesn't he?  He was a Christmas gift from my son several years ago.

Thanks for stopping by.

Looking forward to seeing your tablescapes!

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Please link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful tablescapes posted for this Tablescape Thursday.

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The following blogs have beautiful tablescapes awaiting your visit:

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