Friday 27 November 2009

happy thanksgiving.

or should i say, happy black friday?! i've been absent for a few days because i'm visiting my parents down in my hometown. i had to work at the bar wednesday night and then yesterday was spent at my step dad's family thing... i didnt even have cell phone service! eeek! i've been taking a much needed break from the internet. the cell signal here isn't even all that great so its been nice to stay off the computer, stay away from homework, not talk to anyone really, and watch tv, hang out with my parents and just kick it. so so so nice!

i didnt go black friday shopping, instead i slept until 9am. it was nice. im watching "say yes to the dress" on tlc now and mom just made breakfast! my favorite :D tonight i have to work and i have to go back to franklin prior so i can take georgia home.

ill attempt to post today but if i dont, rest assured that i'll return tomorrow. im enjoying this break :D

i hope you all had a fantastic holiday and i'm so very thankful for all of you. you're all amazing.


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