Saturday 7 November 2009

fashion friday!

(via bloomingleopold)
how dreamy is this dress and the composition of this photograph?! doesn't it just lift your heart and make you want to spin around and around and around with a huge circle skirt?! maybe thats just me but everything about this photo makes me swoon for autumn. and come to find out this lovely lady is a fellow resident of nashville!

(via xxchinadoll)
if you know me at all you know i'm obsessed with cardigans. THIS takes the cake, though. so lovely! paired with the heather gray tights and brown t-strap heels!

(via futurelint)
a few months ago when the anna sui line for target launched, i was at every target (or on the phone with) in the greater middle tennessee area. NO ONE had them! and if they did, they were long gone (i went the day after the launch!). i had heard from people that the quality wasn't too great for the price at $70 but this was the dreamy dress i wanted. this lady found it for $30! what a steal. i wish i could still get it. if you have any in a target near you, please let me know!

(via the rice scott empire)
what a cute couple!

(via a thought is the blossom)
the color combo and those shoes! ahhh!

(via here's lookin' at me, kid)
i love love love love love yellow, especially of the pale variety. this photo just screams morton salt girl and i would have loved to dress as her for halloween!

so thats my fashion friday round-up for wardrobe_remix!
sorry i didnt post it until today! (saturday!) hehe

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