Sunday 29 November 2009

A New Use for Old Discarded Windows... Welcome to the 46th Metamorphosis Monday!

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I've been out of state visiting my son and his sweetie. It was a whirlwind trip and so much fun. My son gave me a tour of the law school he's attending, as well as a tour of the wonderful historic building where he works with a local firm. We did a little shopping on Black Friday and went to see A Christmas Carol on Saturday. It was a great trip and I'm so looking forward to when they come home to Georgia for Christmas.

I have a fun metamorphosis to share with you today. A while back, while out antiquing with a friend, I came across something that was sooooo cute, I knew I had to share it with you!

Here's your first little peek...(click on any pic twice to REALLY enlarge for an even closer look)

A second peek...

Another little peak...

Have you figured out what it is? Ok...I won't torture you any longer. I have to warn you though, it is soooo cute you may scream with delight! It may send you on a mad hunt, looking for old, abandoned windows so you can create this metamorphosis yourself.

Is this not completely adorable?! Come a little closer and take a look inside...

I could see using it this way at Christmas...or perhaps as a green house in the summer months. Click on any pic twice to ENLARGE for a really CLOSE view.

If you collect the Dept. 56 lit houses, this would be a wonderful place to build a small village or vignette.

Here's a little view through the door way...

I took pics from different angles, so you could see how it's constructed. The first few pics of this post show some close-ups of the details.

Wouldn't it be really cute in a sun room, on a front porch or a screened-in porch?

Really, I could see using it in almost any room. I didn't buy it since it was well over $300, but I took lots of pics so I could remember how it was constructed and so I could share it with you. I think we could make one of these if we put our minds to it! :-)

So, don't throw out those old windows when you get your new energy efficient ones. They will make a wonderful glass house or greenhouse and a great spot to display your collectibles and create wonderful vignettes.

Looking forward to seeing all your "Before and Afters."

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Fabulous "Before and Afters" await your visit:

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