Sunday 12 July 2009

Price My Space...It's a Party at Nesting Place!

Welcome to my Guest room. I'm joining in the fun blog party at Nesting Place! Once you get done "pricing my space", you'll want to pop back over to Nesting Place to check out all the other great spaces posted for today's party.

Whenever I buy something new for a room in my home, I normally toss the receipt into a file folder I keep for each room...that really came in handy tonight when I prepared this post. My guest room was one of the first rooms I ever "decorated" in my home. I love blue and white together so when I found this Ralph Lauren comforter set called "Porcelain," I decided to go with a blue and white theme. I had a tree behind the bed for many years and just recently took it out for a change.

Found the vintage iron and brass bed in a local antique mall for only $250.

When I was working on this room, I knew I wanted to mix it up a bit. I fell in love with this floral Sanderson fabric and had balloon valances, pillows and a table topper made. I love the way the Sanderson fabric looks with the "Porcelain" R.L. fabric. I had the wall color custom matched to the yellow in the Sanderson fabric. The year was 1994 and the Sanderson fabric was a bit of a splurge for me. I paid $283 each for the balloon valances...$566 for both, which included fabric and labor. The topper and tablecloth on the table beside the bed were $150 and the two ruffled pillows, were $116 for both. That was a lot to spend, to me, especially since I'd never had anything custom it seems pretty cheap compared to today's prices for custom made pieces. Good thing is they still look as nice today as the day I got them.

What better way to pamper your guest...breakfast in bed! Can you see the lit "tea cup" candle? The wicker tray was just $12 in a local antique/thrift store

Had a little "kitty" pillow made out of the Sanderson fabric. If you look closely, you'll see that the floral pillows are edged in the same wavy, blue and white striped fabric that you see in the table skirt. Charles Faudree says it's about the mix...not the match. Could I possibly fit one more fabric into this room? (LOL) :-)

The white matelasse coverlet keeps things from getting too busy.

A little bedside reading...

I looked for years and years and years for a dress form. Each time I'd find one, it would either be in terrible condition or priced over $300. One day, while out antiquing, I saw the form below. Ohhhhhhh, did I get was EXACTLY what I'd been looking for all these many years!

I couldn't find a price tag on it anywhere. I walked to the front of the store and asked the ladies behind the check-out counter for a price. They couldn't find one either and told me it was "NSF" (not for sale). So often when I had found dress forms in the past, they were often marked NSF and usually in use by the store keeper to display clothing, etc... Since it didn't actually have a sticker on it saying NSF, I persisted. I asked the ladies if they would call the seller for that particular booth, and ask to make sure. (I reallllly wanted that dress form.)

One of the ladies reluctantly called and as she was talking to the owner of the form, her eyes grew large. She couldn't believe it...the owner was willing to sell it and for only $95. I jumped for joy! The other lady behind the counter began to have herself a regular hissy fit, saying she would have bought it for herself if she had known it was for sale. Both ladies went on and on about how they had no idea it was for sale, and what a steal I was getting, and how THEY wanted it. I couldn't write my check fast enough...I was so worried the owner would call back and say she had changed her mind!
This blouse was my Mom's and is almost 60 years old, now. Couldn't get a great close-up, but the color is actually like you see in the pic above. As you might imagine, it's priceless. :-)

Found this Victorian hat rack for $40 while out antiquing...three of the hats shown hanging on the rack are vintage. The trunk was the first "old" thing I ever it at an auction about 28 years ago for $35. The handles on the side are still intact, which I've discovered over the years is pretty rare on the older trunks.

While out antiquing one December, I found the wonderful old doll house shown above and below. It was already decorated for Christmas and it stole my heart. But the price was a bit high at $ I walked away.

After Christmas, I went out of town to visit a friend in Virginia. We were out touring Mount Vernon one afternoon and I kept thinking and thinking about this doll house...suddenly I knew I had to have it! Has that ever happened to you?

I panicked...what if it had been sold while I was out of town?! I called the antique store and they said it was gone. :-( I asked if they would make sure...hoping it had just been moved since Christmas was over. About an hour later, while standing just outside Mount Vernon, they called me back on my cell to tell me it was still available and that the owner had just taken it home after Christmas. The seller gave me 10% off...which made me feel a bit better about the price. :-) Sometimes your heart just says, go for it...and you know at that moment, you'll never regret it.

I picked it up as soon as I got back into town. The decorations that were on the house were very, very faded and literally falling apart. So I bought some garland and ribbon and made wreaths with bows for each of the windows. The details on this house amaze me...down to the individual bricks of the chimney.
Years before I stumbled across the doll house, I found this dresser in the same antique shop. Per the shop owner, someone had bought the matching bed but left this beautiful dresser behind. I'm so glad they did!

I love its graceful curves. It is probably the most expensive piece in the room...I paid $700 for it. The seller let me put it on lay-a-way, so to speak and I paid for it in 3 payments. If you are out antiquing and you see that piece that you just adore but can't quite afford, ask the shop owner if they'll let you pay in 2 or 3 payments. In today's economy, I think they are just happy to get your business and most often will take you up on your offer. They usually will not discount the piece if they allow you pay in several payments, but sometimes it's worth it to get that one piece you know will make the room.

I'm in awe of the craftsmanship it took to make the curving drawers and doors on this piece.

This silver plate shaving stand is another antiquing find many, years ago...priced at $45. I sometimes fill it with potpourri.

Max supervised as I took pics of the guest room this afternoon. :-)

Here's a cozy spot for guest to curl up with a good book. The next pic better shows the blue and white checked fabric. Found this chair with it's matching ottoman about 15 years ago in the back of a large antique store that only opened it's doors to the public once a month. The store has since closed.

You've heard about the Running of the Brides? Well, that's what it was like that one Saturday each month when the store would open...insanity! I didn't find anything in the front part of the store but this chair and ottoman was tucked into a corner in another room way in back. I was thrilled to find it was just $389 for both the chair and the ottoman! The ottoman is visible in the pic above...under Mr. Max. :-)

Found this little bunny at A Classy Flea...he's made by the company that makes Boyds Bears. Even his little bow tie coordinated with the room...yes, I notice that's a sickness! (LOL)

So, that's the Guest Room....thanks so much for stopping by! Looking forward to seeing your beautiful rooms posted for Price My Space at Nesting Place! :-)

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