Wednesday 15 July 2009

Lemonade on the Porch... Welcome to the 47th Tablescape Thursday, Hooked on Fridays and Foodie Friday!

I'm joining in this week, on Julia's, Hooked On Friday's Party, because I'm definitely hooked on summer, ice-cold-lemonade days, out on the porch. :-) Be sure to stop by Julia's amazing blog, Hooked on Houses, to see what everyone is hooked on this week.

And since some tasty treats and a cold summer time drink is included, I'm also linking up with Foodie Friday over at Designs by Gollum. For lots more mouthwatering tasties, be sure to visit Michael!

I love summer time here in the south.

Yeah, I know it's hot, but we can fix that.

Some fresh-squeezed, ice cold, lemonade out on the porch, should do the trick.

The darling hand towel above was embroidered by Karyn, one of the talented ladies over at The Bloom Girls Boutique. They always have lovely items for sale in their store. :-)

Found this neat beverage dispenser while kicking around inside Old Time Pottery last week. It was only $19.95 and it's HUGE!

We need munchies to go with our lemonade...Double Chocolate Chip Pecan Meltaways, Key Lime Snaps and Lemon Tea Cookies...all from Marshalls.

Ya gotta squeeze a few lemons, if ya want lemonade! A juicer makes the work go fast.

I can almost taste the lemonade now.


I put little lemon wedges in some summer-themed ice cube trays...used distilled water so the cubes would be fairly clear. They almost melted before I got them into the glasses. Do you see a star, a sun, a pineapple, a shell and a flower?

Fiddlesticks! I just realized I forgot my sprigs of mint. Ok, imagine little mint sprigs poking up out of the tops of the glasses. :-)

Glasses are a recent purchase from Dollar Tree. I'm always so surprised at the cute glasses they often have for sale. These had a Made in the USA sticker on the bottom...always love to see that!

So glad you stopped by...

You are always welcome, here on the porch. :-)

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The following blogs have lovely tablescapes awaiting your visit:

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