Wednesday 29 July 2009

Beach Tablescape... Welcome to the 49th Tablescape Thursday!

For this Tablescape Thursday, I'm taking you to the beach.

The aqua candles and "sand" colored candle holders used in this tablescape are available at Colonial Candle and may be found HERE. I rarely used colorful candles in my tablescapes, but I just loved the way this aqua color worked with the color of the candlesticks.

Look what came in with the tide.

I found this beachy china at Kohl's last summer...they had it in again this past spring.

I took plain, white, wooden napkin rings and hot glued on large shells to continue our beach theme...

Starfish salad plate...

and a shell salad plate...

Glassware is from Kohls, too...

Shell salt & pepper shakers...

As Julio at Beaux Mondes Designs once said, I swung from the chandelier to grab this pic for you. :-)

Celebrating summer...

dining beach side...

with soft, glowing candles...

I'll leave you with a little tease of what I'm up to for next week's Tablescape Thursday.

Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful tablescapes!

If you are participating in Tablescape Thursday, please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address. If you aren't sure how to obtain your permalink, or have any questions about using Mr. Linky or have questions regarding how to post the TT logo to your sidebar and to your TT post, just click HERE for detailed instructions.

Please copy and paste the Tablescape Thursday logo button to your computer. Then you can upload it to use in your post on TT day so your visitors will know you are participating.

Please link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful tablescapes posted for this Tablescape Thursday.

Please do not add your link below, until your tablescape post is actually published to your blog.

The following blogs have lovely tablescapes awaiting your visit:

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