Sunday 14 June 2009

Beautiful Monogrammed Towels... Welcome to the 22nd Metamorphosis Monday!

Playlist is posted to your immediate on arrow to hear.

Before we get started on this Metamporphosis Monday, I wanted to let you know that some very sweet person has nominated Between Naps on the Porch for the 2009 Blog Luxe Awards, under the category of Best Eye Candy Blog. If you'd like to cast a vote for BNOTP, just click HERE ...then click on the category, "Best Eye Candy Blog." If you scan down part way through the list, you'll see Between Naps on the Porch among those that have been nominated. It actually says Between Naps on the Back Porch...but hey, that's close enough. :-) I'm just humbled and thrilled that someone took time to make the nomination! Oh, and the rules say you can vote once a day. I just discovered today that I had been nominated, so I've gotten a very late start letting you know. :-)

There are several other categories listed, so have fun voting for your favorite blogs :-) Oh, and Thank-You to the dear heart who nominated BNOTP. But I must say, it's actually YOU, the readers of BNOTP, who deserve all the credit for any accolades that ever come this way. It's your visits and comments that provide the real inspiration for each and every post! Ok, before I get too misty-eyed to see how to write this post, let's dive right into this week's Metamorphosis Monday...

I'm so excited to share a special metamorphosis with you this week. Imagine a pretty, little stripped, green towel going from this:

TO THIS! :-)

Now, I wish I could take credit for this wonderful "before" and "after," but this beautiful handiwork is that of Karyn's, one of the talented ladies over at The Bloom Girls Boutique. You may recognize the name because Karyn and Nola also have a wonderful blog called The Bloom Girls.

I love the attention to detail with the cute little yellow butterflies on either end of the beautiful embroidery! Karyn, thanks so much for this precious gift! :-)

When you visit The Bloom Girls Boutique, you'll also find lovely monogrammed dresses for only $42. Wow, in a speciality shop, this dress would cost twice that amount! Isn't Madison precious modeling for her Mom, Karyn. :-) I had the pleasure of meeting Madison recently and I must tell you, she is every bit as adorable in person as she looks here in her lovely monogrammed dress.

The Bloom Girls Boutique also carries beautiful home accessories and lighting...check out these great lamps!

Wire Bird Cage Lamp:
Rose Cottage Lamp:
If you'd like your own personalized towel showing the name of your Blog or monogram, just e-mail Karyn at to leave Karyn a message or visit her at The Bloom Girls, and leave her a little comment.

Little Announcement: In a recent poll, 627 visitors voted on the subject of music playing when visiting BNOTP. 63% indicated they do not want to have music automatically play when visiting, while 36% would like to hear music playing during their visit. In an effort to keep everyone happy, :-) the playlist isn't on an "automatic start" anymore, but it is posted at the top of the sidebar for easy access. To listen, just click on the play arrow and you're all set! :-) Hope this works for everyone!

Looking forward to seeing the changes you've been working on for this Metamorphosis Monday!

If you are participating in Metamorphosis Monday, please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address. If you aren't sure how to obtain your permalink or have any questions about using Mr. Linky for this post, just click HERE for detailed instructions.

Don't forget to copy and paste the Met Monday logo button to your computer so you can add it to your side bar and your Met Monday post. That way visitors will know that your are participating in Metamorphosis Monday.

Please be sure to link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch, so your fellow bloggers who are participating today, will get lots of visits, as well.

Please do not add your link below until your Met Monday post is actually published to your blog.

The following blogs are participating in this Metamorphosis Monday:

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