Tuesday 23 June 2009

Welcome to My Town

Melissa at Huckleberry Prairie is hosting The Great American Home Tour...and I'm thrilled to be joining in! Click HERE to visit Huckleberry Prairie, where you will find links that will have you vacationing in America's most lovely home towns! Thanks Melissa for hosting such a fun party!

(Click on any pic to enlarge. If pics are cut off on the right side, try adjusting your resolution to a higher setting.)
A few weekends ago, a friend and I drove the short distance to the town square. We walked all around looking at some of the historic homes up close...you know, the ones we tend to whiz by in our car each day. I wasn't able to get to a street that had some of my favs, but here are a few that caught my eye this day.

This one was still all decked out from Memorial Day...perfect since July 4th is just around the corner! I thought I smelled apple pie baking as we passed by. :-)

Doesn't it just say all-American home town! The sign on the door said, "God Bless, America."
There's a house on this particular street that I used to stalk on a regular basis. I would drive by on my lunch hour some days, reaaaallly slowly...yea, I'm sick that way. This isn't it, it's posted at the end, but this intriguing gate is just down the street. I'd never noticed this partially hidden, wrought iron gate...until this day. There is definitely something to be said for a walking tour.

I couldn't see the house, so I thought I'd torture you, too. I'm nice that way. :-)Aren't we just dying to know what's up that walkway and around the bend?!

You'll see a lot of cute cottages today...I spent much of my time walking in neighborhoods full of delightful, little cottages...

I love the vine growing along under the eave of the porch.

This house is the kind of house that always speaks to me. It's saying, Hey, Susan...come rescue me. Look at all the angels/pitches of my roof line...you know you're a sucker for that. Come save me from this awful window A/C unit that is ruining my good looks. Just look at my porch, you could string garland at Christmas time. And how about my poor neglected yard...come make some pretty gardens for those who pass by to enjoy.

Next door to my stalker house, sits this house. I've always loved it because it sprawls down the side of it's corner lot, with multiple side porches. I wasn't able to photograph the porches for you this day due to a tall fence that has been erected. But at least we can drool over the front.

Do you see the stained glass window in the center of the peak...love the little picket fence and swinging gate.

This Tudor is on a busy main road off the square...never been able to really get a good gander at it as I've zoomed by. On this day, it was really bugging me that they had a massive piece of furniture right in the front window...behind that wreath. I'm imagining it's a gorgeous, antique highboy or linen press that's just been moved their temporarily while a repair is being made to a wall...or the room is being painted. Yea, that's it...gotta be temporary. :-)

Thanks to my zoom lens, I didn't have to risk being arrested to snag a pic of the wonderful front door. I love the ferns on either side. Doesn't it feel like the entry to a magical fairytale? :-) They just don't make doorways like this anymore...

A large home on the busy main road...I toured this one during a Christmas home tour once.

Another beautiful, intriguing gate...except this time, we actually get to see what awaits us on the other side. Come on up the steps with me and let's peak in...

Yep, this will do...where do I sign? I love the double front doors and it looks like there are screened doors to let in the nice, cool breezes.

I once walked through this house when it was up for sale. Nice house, but I was a little disappointed because it lacks a foyer/entry. When you enter the front door, you find yourself immediately in the living room. Wouldn't you expect an entry on a house this huge? It has a cool back stairway, though and a great view from the kitchen.

This little cottage has been for sale for a long time. I've been inside...yep, another home tour. It's really cute inside and has a wonderful back yard..

I'm not sure what the front of this house looks like, but here's the back. It was visible from another street and I just stopped when I saw it. My friend took this pic from the car. I'm guessing a house burned down or something and these folks just bought the lot and extended their back yard. Pretty, isn't it?

Another lovely cottage...it's my favorite kind with the multiple pitched roof lines, dormers and peaks.

I think this house has amazing potential...but I just wasn't feeling the stark black and white paint job. It looks cold and a bit scary, even in the daylight. It could be amazing with the right paint colors.

There is something about yellow houses...I already know I like the folks who live inside.

Beautiful Greek Revival...at least that's what I usually call the ones with the huge columns out front. :-) I think I see Miss Scarlet coming down the front steps now.

Oh...I like this one, A LOT! It's just a block or two down the street from the historic home where my garden club meets. Check out the semi-hidden second floor porch. You could stow away up there on a Sunday afternoon and listen to the neighbors gossiping as they stroll by on the sidewalk. :-) I love the way it's painted, you notice all the beautiful architectural accents and design, without it being too garish. Yep, this could become a fav... I will not stalk, I will not stalk, I will not stalk.

Toured this house one Christmas...they had gorgeous, large, square, boxwood wreaths hanging on the lower section of each of the front windows. I ooohed and ahhhed and then came home and did a Christmas post for the blog showing a square wreath.

They looked something like this, but bigger and prettier!

A sweet cottage....I love the wavy siding.

And another cute cottage...but why are they hiding all that cuteness behind that huge hedge? No underground utilities in these historic areas.

I think this is a Dutch Colonial...isn't it wonderful?

Ok, ready to stalk? Here it is...do you hear Jaws music?

There it is...just beyond the ivy and past the magnolias. It's on a dead end street and sits nicely back off the road...very private. And I know they are Georgia fans 'cause I've seen a big Georgia concrete Bulldog out front on their steps. :-)

I've always stalked it from the road, but my crazy, brave...did I mention crazy...friend who was with me this day, walked up their driveway (YES, he did) to get a couple of pics for you, my blog buddies.

I love the double porches, the eyebrow-arched window. This house used to be painted a pale pink...not good. Fortunately, the new owners gave it a new dress. When it had been up for sale, I checked the price...it was just under a million. ~~~Sigh~~~ Oh well, I'm really in search of that quaint darling cottage anyway, this is way more house than I need. Now, what I really want to know is...when is this baby going to be on the Christmas tour? We want in people! Don't make me stalk you forever!
Today, I was almost certain I was in Mayberry...I kept waiting to bump into Andy, Opie and Aunt Bea. The neighborhoods and houses melted into my heart...as did this sweet tree swing just on the other side of a white picket fence.

Hope you enjoyed the tour...there were so many great houses I never made it to this day. Wanna go again sometime? Leave me a comment and let me know...I'm always ready for another tour, if you are. :-)

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