Saturday 13 June 2009

The Mystery of Two Pictures...

Recently, I created and posted this tablescape for Tablescape Thursday...if you missed it, you may see this tablescape by clicking HERE or just scan a little further down the page. I received several comments asking about the pink flowers used in this table setting.

Yep, y'all guessed it...these cute pink and yellow flowers are a variety of honeysuckle. Many years ago, after seeing them on a tour of the garden of well known author/gardener, Ryan Gainey, I planted them beside my arch-shaped, brick mailbox so they could grow up and over it. It's been so long since I planted it, I've forgotten the name of it...but it might be 'Magnifica.' It has an amazing scent! :-) You will find more information about the various kinds of honeysuckle that are popular for use in the garden by clicking HERE and HERE.

Also, while you're here...I need your help, please. Take a look a the following two pics posted below...I've labeled them "Picture A" and "Picture B." As many of you know, I recently started ENLARGING the pics I post here at BNOTP. But the strangest little thing keeps happening. When I look at a post on my wide-screen laptop, that contains horizontal pics that I've enlarged, I can see the entire pic...which is good! But, when I look at the enlarged horizontal pictures on a regular, normal monitor, the horizontal pics are cut off on the right side. Not good!

So here's where I need your help. Please, take a look at the following two pics...they are exactly the same. First look at Picture A and then take a look at Picture B. In your comment, please tell me if you can see the whole/entire picture in Picture B, just as you see it in Picture A. Or, is the pic cut off with the flowers partially missing on the right side in Picture B? Thanks for your input...this will be a tremendous help!

Picture A:

Picture B: Can you still see the whole pitcher of flowers in this pic...or is it partially cut off?

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