Sunday 10 October 2010

MIXTAPE MONDAY: little house.

This week's mixtape! Before you guys get all Sherlock Holmes on me, I'll let you know that I accidentally put a song on here that was on last week's mix! Oops! Guess it's just that good! Curious as to which tune? Northern Lights by Bowerbirds. Get into it ;) (photo courtesy of MiikeFlynn)

Today will be light as we're hanging out with Susannah and her beau, Chris! We'll be driving back to Tennessee later tonight and I have a whole big ol' pile of homework to do so just hang tight if you don't mind! Next week is going to be fun-filled with adventures and photos, too! Gosh we have so much to share! I hope you all have the most fantastic week!

(click on title to download)

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