Friday 23 July 2010

Videos I'm Loving...

Janelle Monae's "Tightrope" which I've been totally digging since it was blogged on BUST yesterday. She's so fierce! She's beautiful, has an incredible voice, has moves that I can't even dream of having, and she just continues to inspire! I think this needs to be my ringtone. Pronto!

YouTube user Glowpinkstah on the George Lopez show. I honestly think she's so funny. (AND I love Sandra Bullock sooooo.. double win?!)

One of my all-time favorite songs. (Holla back to the Coin Laundry mixtape I did... which got swiped from SendSpace. Lame!)

Who doesn't love a cute little chubby boy belting out some Lady Gaga in his pajamas? And a dad in a speedo? (Eek!)

What are some of your favorite YouTube videos? Leave the links below! Seriously, bring on the laughs!


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