Monday 26 July 2010

Outfit Post : Sunday, July 25

Here are some photos of my outfit yesterday. (Sorry I didn't post them last night!) Ladeee dah dee dah! (I already took outfit photos for today, but I'll post that tonight! Sorry if you're tired of me bombarding your dashboard with my posts! I guess when I get in the mood, I'm really in the mood!) Also, my hair has been SO FRIZZY lately! Does anyone have any miracle product or tricks to make it NOT so frizzy? Don't pay attention to my frazzled extensions. Man... I need new ones I think.

{Outfit for o7.25.1o}
{Dress: Strawberry ($23)}
{Blazer: Charlotte Russe ($33)}
{Necklace: c/o My Own Little Universe}
{Flats: Kmart ($13)}

Keep your eyes peeled! I'll have a giveaway from my sponsor, My Own Little Universe, later today!


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