Friday 25 June 2010

Sponsored Giveaway!: Handmade Laptop Pouch!

This giveaway is brought to you by my darling sponsor over at Little Rock Socks. You have a chance to win your very own custom laptop pouch and case for all your cords and travel necessities! How awesome is that?! I can never find a cute pouch to put my behemoth of a 17" MacBook Pro in... but here's the best part.... she'll make it to fit YOUR computer! That way everyone can enter! Yay! Okay, onto the photo! You can choose from three different patterns to sport on your lovely little laptop!

And here is how you can enter to win! (You get ONE ENTRY PER BULLET POINT BELOW... BUT ONLY IF YOU LEAVE SEPARATE COMMENTS FOR EACH! That's the only way your entries will be counted!)

  • Be a follower of! (How simple! Just click "Follow" in the top navigation bar! You can follow with Blogspot, Google, Aim, Twitter, Yahoo, etc!) and leave a comment below saying so!
  • Visit the Little Rock Socks blog HERE and follow her!
  • Tweet about this giveaway and leave a link below (Be sure to tag @kaelahbee in it!)
  • Blog about this giveaway and leave a link below!

You can tweet and blog once a day and even heighten your chances to win! Meaning you could have up to TEN ENTRIES! Just be sure to leave a link to each every day in a separate comment!

This giveaway will run until 11:00pm EST on June 30th! A winner will be chosen at random using! You will have 4 days to contact me to claim your prize or another name will be drawn! Anyone is eligible to win. Even international readers!

Good luck!


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