Monday 21 June 2010

Gossip all Weekend

sorry for yet another gossip girl post. but this weekend has been 100% gossip girl and myself. and not to mention that i'm sitting her stuck in st george. thank goodness i took my computer and this mechanic shop has wi-fi. ha [probably to keep everyone entertained for they take so long...i hope i can get out of here soon].

but on my desktop i saved one of my favorite pictures of S and B. and it happens that last night, i watched this exact episode. so here i am. blogging about how i love than Serena and Blaire are good friends again. i love the 2 dresses in this picture and i want one just like it. i love love love how in the end of this episode, everything is right. dan has serena. blair finally kisses chuck. and don't they both just make the perfect couples? yes. they do! i am so excited all over again. shall we say, 'done and done'?!?!


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