Wednesday 5 August 2009

Tablescaping with Kim Parker Home Collection, Emma's Garland, Clover... Welcome to the 50th Tablescape Thursday!

Wow, Can you believe's our 50th Tablescape Thursday! And two weeks from today is the one year anniversary of Between Naps on the Porch! I'm hoping to do something fun that week...still scheming and plotting. :-)

Speaking of scheming and plotting...there's been a lot of monkey business going on this past week. Do you remember the tease pic I shared at the end of last week's TT?

Well, this week's tablescape popped into my head when I spied these colorful hula skirts at Big Lots. What do hula skirts and tablescaping have to do with each other? Inspiration can come in the strangest forms. :)

It's still summer and the porch still calls...

Especially on days like today...a day filled with breezes that ruffled the sheers.

Bright summer days call for bright summer colors...

Welcome to the Monkey Bar and Grill...your table is right this way!

I've had these napkin rings for several weeks...wasn't sure when I'd used them. Today seemed like the perfect day.

Salad Plate is made by Spode and part of the Kim Parker Home Collection. Pattern is Emma's Garland "Clover." (Dinner plate is by Gibson and is available at Big Lots.)

My heart skipped a beat when I first spotted these darling chargers. They are also by Spode and part of the Kim Parker Home Collection...Emma's Garland. (Salad and charger were found at Marshalls.)

No monkey bar would be complete without a mischievous monkey!

And as you can see...he has friends!

When the conversation is good, dinner can last long into the night...

It's was just starting to get dark outside...and as the light waned, I had a little four-legged help with my tablescaping. Do you see my helper?

Come nightfall, our table takes on a completely different feel...

There's just something magical about dining by candlelight...
(All the beautiful candles used in this tablescape are from Colonial Candle.)

The world fades away...

and it's just you...

and me...

...and the monkey, :-) out here on the porch.

Looking forward to your beautiful tablescapes...this 50th Tablescape Thursday!

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Please link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful tablescapes posted for this Tablescape Thursday.

Please do not add your link below, until your tablescape post is actually published to your blog.

The following blogs have lovely tablescapes awaiting your visit:

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