Sunday 16 August 2009

Built-in Book Shelves for the Upstairs Family Room... Welcome to the 31st Metamorphosis Monday!

My Met Monday post is a little different this week. The "After" hasn't occurred yet, but I thought I'd share my "Before" and my "After Wish" with you, just in case it gives you some ideas for a similar area in your home.

This is the view as you enter from the hallway into my Upstairs Family Room. (To see more of this room, just click HERE.) You can't see it very well in this pic, but off to the right of the window seat, just beyond the tall plant stand, is a back stairway that takes you down to the 2nd level. It a great escape route when you find yourself downstairs in the kitchen in your nightie and the front door bell rings...or when you need to make a dash down to the laundry room and don't want to flash the neighbors who just happen to be walking by the front of your home.

Here's a little better view...the stairway goes down to a landing, turns and then continues on down.

See that slanted section of wall there on the left side of the stairway, just beyond the plant stand?

Do you have an area like this in your home? I've thought of hanging some family photos or pictures there, but then I found an inspiration picture online.

Check out the small, slanted section of wall over on the other side of the room...what do you think? I'd love to remove that piece of baseboard molding that runs along the lower part of my wall and have bookshelves installed...something along the lines of what you see below. The organization freak inside of me loves the idea of creating storage, where before there was none!  Is there a spot in your home where you could add some unexpected storage/bookshelves?

If I ever get the "After" done, you know I'll post it for a Metamorphosis Monday! :-)

Looking forward to seeing your Before and Afters! Oh, and don't forget to leave a comment to be included in the drawing for Mr. Rooster!

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