Tuesday 11 August 2009

The Escalator to Nowhere...Foiling a Pesky Squirrel

See this innocent, sweet looking critter perched on one of my deck chairs? Don't let that cute face fool you.

He's just waiting until I turn my back so he can feast on birdseed from my "squirrel-proof" feeders. The feeders hang from the decks going out from either side of the porch. Mr. Squirrel has figured out that he can climb out the skinny, metal pole from which the feeders hang...then hang upside down from the top so the feeder doesn't shut down...then he eats to his squirrely heart's content. He can single handily clean out a feeder in two days time.

I recently read of a way to discourage this behavior. Do you see my anti-squirrel device? It's a $3 slinky from Wal-mart. :-)

I put one on each feeder. Now, let's lay in wait and see if they work...

Shhh, do you see him...he's hanging over the edge of the deck checking out the new hi-tech, anti-squirrel device.

Yes! The plan worked! Mr. Squirrel kept trying to climb out onto the pole to hang from the top of the feeder, but each time he tried, the slinky just kept moving and moving and moving....like an escalator with steps that never end. He retreated. I cheered! Humans: 1, Squirrels: Zip!

Now, if I could just figure out a way to get him to quit stripping every single leaf off my two hibiscus trees. He's broken many of the branches completely off while climbing on them to raid the leaves. This hibiscus was lush and full when I brought it home earlier this summer.

And here's the other one. :-( Did you know squirrels love hibiscus leaves? I didn't, but I sure do now! I've caught him carrying off leaves that were as big as his head...the little stinker. Any ideas? I've already tried spraying the plants down with jalapeno juice/water...unfortunately, it didn't work. I welcome your ideas! :-)

Remember that old cartoon where Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck are arguing back and forth...Daffy says, "It's wabbit season" and Bugs says, "It's duck season!" Back and forth they go, "wabbit season" no..."duck season."

Well, it's about to be squirrel season...here at the porch! And I'm packing slinkies...so you just better watch out, Mr. Squirrel!

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