Sunday 2 August 2009

Creating a Planter from a Chair... Welcome to the 29th Metamorphosis Monday!

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I don't have a before pic of this chair I found recently at A Classy Flea, but I was told the seat was in very bad condition and was not salvageable. So...what to do?

Turn it into a lovely planter! :-)

The seller at A Classy Flea, attached a square wire planter container to the chair. I'm sorry, but I've forgotten where she said she found the planter...seems like it was Garden Ridge. Maybe she'll see this post and leave a comment telling us where for sure. :-)

Took a couple of underneath pics so you can see how it's attached to the chair...

Pardon the cobwebs...anything that sits on my front porch for longer than 1 minute, will soon have a cobweb built somewhere! :-)

It looks like it was meant to hold pretty flowers with this floral tile back...

Don't you just love the colors and the design?

I'm was thinking of using it on the front porch...surrounded by large pots of impatiens and ivy...not quite sure where it will end up just yet. It may be a bit too casual for the front porch. Thanks for coming by for this let's go see what changes everyone else has been up to this week! :-)

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