Sunday 9 August 2009

Painting a Basket... Welcome to the 30th Metamorphosis Monday!

Happy Met Monday! Can't wait to see all the great Before and Afters you've been working on!

I have an exciting bit of news to share...did you know that on August 18th, Between Naps on the Porch will be celebrating it's 1 year Blogoversary?! Not sure if you've noticed the little count-down Blogoversary clock that's been posted on my side bar for the past month...but it tells me there are only 9 days left to the official day!

To show my appreciation for your wonderful support and visits during this past year, BNOTP will be hosting a new give-a-way each day, during Blogoversary Week (Monday thru Friday) August 17th through August 21st. Met Monday and Tablescape Thursday will go on as always...the Give-a-Way will be an addition! :-) This Give-a-Way is really all about my appreciation for you, the loyal readers of BNOTP. To enter the Give-a-Way each day during BNOTP's Blogoversary Week, just leave a comment on that day's post. Since there will be a new Give-a-Way every day that week, be sure to stop by and enter each day.

I'd especially like to show my appreciation to those who are "Followers" of BNOTP, so if you are a Follower, be sure to mention that in your comment and your name will be entered twice for that day's drawing. If you also subscribe to the BNOTP feed, mention that, too, for a third entry into that day's Give-a-Way. Remember, there will be a different drawing each day, so lots of opportunities to win. And just to get you a little excited about Blogoversary's one of the items that will be part of our Give-a-Way! :-)

I know if you're a serious Mary Carol Garrity/Nell Hill fan like I am, you are scratching your head wondering where in the world this book came from. Do you have every book she has ever written? Well, I know you don't have this one. :-) Why, because it hasn't been released yet!

Nell Hill's, O Christmas Tree, is set to be released August 18th, the day BNOTP will officially become 1 year old. I've ordered two copies, one for moi and one for a lucky reader of BNOTP. :-) As soon as the copies arrive here at my home, I'll be sending one right out in the mail to the winner for that day's drawing.

I'm especially excited about this book because it's my favorite kind...the kind where the author takes you inside her own home, and at Christmas time, no less!!! Yipee! :-) Amazon says, Mary Carol will be "inviting you into her own 130-year-old Greek Revival home decked out in the season's liveliest shades of evergreen, pine cone, and holly." Can you hear me squealing from there? Ok, calm down,'s gonna be alright. Whew! Ok, I'm better now. :-) Does anyone else get as excited as I do about the release of a new book by a favorite author?

So get yourself back over here to the porch the week of August 17th and join in the Give-a-Way of the promises to be a fun week! :-)

For this Metamorphosis Monday, I have a wee Mini-Met to share today...nothing especially awe inspiring...just a little redo I recently completed. I've had this heart-shaped basket stored down in my basement for quite a few years, now. The color, which is sort of a Williamsburg blue, just didn't work well in any of the rooms in my home.

I ended up sticking it in the garage sale I had a few months back. Apparently no one else liked the color either, because it didn't sell.

So, all you creative ladies out there who are always me to thinking. Ummm, where might I use this basket if it were repainted? I think I know just the spot. I pulled out the left over green paint I had used to paint this hutch... know, the one that lives out here on the porch. Ok, that was a big hint...where do you think the little heart-shaped basket wound up? :-)

It's just the nicest shade of green now and it patiently awaits the decorating and birding magazines that will surely come. :-)

Looking forward to seeing your "Before and Afters" for this Met Monday!

If you are participating in Metamorphosis Monday, please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address. If you aren't sure how to obtain your permalink or have any questions about using Mr. Linky for this post, just click HERE for detailed instructions.

Don't forget to copy and paste the Met Monday logo button to your computer so you can add it to your side bar and your Met Monday post. That way visitors will know that your are participating in Metamorphosis Monday.

Please be sure to link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch, so your fellow bloggers who are participating today, will get lots of visits, as well.

Please do not add your link below until your Met Monday post is actually published to your blog.

The following blogs are participating in this Metamorphosis Monday:

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