Friday 14 August 2009

Biltmore Estate

A while back, I had an opportunity to tour Biltmore in Asheville, NC. I'd been there many years before and really enjoyed the tour, but I remembered having been a little disappointed that so little of the upstairs was open for viewing.

Well, all that's changed now and it's an awesome experience! They continue to restore more rooms each year, so more and more are opened up for tours. The tour took us 1 1/2 hours...and it was amazing! Visiting Biltmore is truly an unforgettable experience...if you haven't been, I highly recommend it. You may read more about Biltmore by visiting HERE.

(Picture from Biltmore website)

For this Pink Saturday, I wanted to share some pics I took while visiting the gardens around Biltmore. There is so much to see and do on the grounds of really need a few days to see it all.

As you walk down the long set of steps off to the left side of begin to enter the Italian Garden.

The following photos of the pools, were taken in the area you see off to the left of Biltmore in this pic below... (pic from Biltmore website)

There are three, large, symmetrical pools in this garden area and they are filled with water lilies and Egyptian lotus.

Wish I'd thought to take a bigger view of this whole area for you...

Some of the fish swimming in the pools...

As you're walking down along beside these huge pools, you look up and here's your view. It's the far left end of Biltmore. This area also contains lot of beautiful, classical statuary.

We continued on into the gardens, which were tremendous in many, many fabulous perennials. I'm afraid I didn't take as many pics as I probably should have...just found myself enjoying the beauty. Here are the few that I did take.

Beautiful echinacea (Purple Coneflower) with a busy little bee...

I couldn't get enough of this conservatory...isn't it amazing!

Just outside the conservatory...

Now we're inside...

Do you see Mr. Bee?

I think this was taken inside a smaller green house that is located close to the conservatory...

Another view of the conservatory... aren't the mountains breathtaking?!

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