Friday 29 May 2009

Garage Sale Tomorrow...I'd Rather Be Napping On the Porch...

Oh my aching back! I'm having a garage sale, this is a lot of work! Wanna see some of what I hope to sell tomorrow? How about a mantle? It comes with some beautiful marble surround that fits down the sides, across the top and a marble hearth.

A raccoon lamp...Mama raccoon with her baby...awwwww Her little arms open up and you can hold the baby raccoon. Yes, I still have things from my son's nursery...and he will be 26 in a few days. Should I keep this lamp or go ahead and part with it? I mean, it might work in the guest bedroom. Ok, I'm kidding...but it is hard to let it go. Mama Raccoon doesn't look so happy about being sold tomorrow.

Larson storm a "hunter green: color...removed it from the front door once I added the front porch.

Wicker chair, wrought iron candle holder and LOTS of pillows...

Magnolia glasses and matching platter from the Magnolia Plantation gift shop in Charleston, S.C. They're plastic, so practical for outdoor dining.

A Christmas cookie jar... Don't remember how I acquired this guy but he's up for sale tomorrow.

You may have noticed I've changed the template for BNOTP. This also required a change to the background/wallpaper of the blog. I kind of miss the old red and green template, but this new template allows for the enlargement of pics. I've enlarged a few in this post as well as most of those in yesterday's Tablescape Thursday post.

There's a little poll running at the top of the sidebar where you can give me feedback on the new look. I made some adjustments today (when I took a break from garage sale work) that I think improved the picture's was pretty grainy earlier today. Let me know what cha think!

Have a great weekend...see you Sunday evening for Met Monday! :-)

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