Sunday 31 May 2009

China Storage... Welcome to the 20th Metamorphosis Monday!

Whew! Garage sale was a success...but I sure am glad it's over! :-) I just got in from biking 14 miles on the Silver Comet today...hope to share some pics of this gorgeous "rails-to-trails" path with you sometime soon.

For this Metamorphosis Monday, I'm sharing three Mini-Mets...little tweaks I've made recently around my home. Sometimes it's the little things that make a big difference in a room or space. Starting in the kitchen....this is the way the china storage in this area looked prior to a small change. See the center cabinet that contains some glassware and a large yellow mixing bowl?

And here's how it looks you see the difference?

The change is with the center cabinet area...those three shelves in between the blue and white Blue Willow china and the red and white Spode's Tower china.

A few months ago, I purchased 12 place settings of white Gibson china from Big Lots for only $35 per 6 place settings. Michael at Designs by Gollum was the first to alert us to this awesome deal. I needed to find a good spot to store it since I knew I'd be using it a lot. That center cabinet had always bothered me...with the odd bowls and clear wine glasses...just didn't seem to fit. I really like the way the all white Gibson china separates the blue & white Blue Willow from the red and white Spode.

My second Mini-Met involves this little tea pot I found at A Classy was missing it's lid. I didn't mind because...

Here's the bottom...

I thought it would make a cute little planter.

Wouldn't this be cute in a future tablescape? :-)
And the third Mini-Met for this Met Monday is a small change I made to the hutch on the screened-in porch. Over the years I've collected little abandoned bird's nest that I find in the yard...often they are just lying on the ground where they have blown from a tree. I thought they made for an interesting display on the hutch here on the porch. But, recently I decided it was time for a change...

Here's the new look with my favorite "porch" china...

This isn't as casual a look as the cute bird's nests...but I think I'm liking this for a little change. (China is Ma Maison by Tabletops Unlimited)
Thanks so much for stopping by...can't wait to see all the metamorphosis you've been working on for this Met Monday!

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