Sunday 9 November 2008

Movie Houses...Y'all are Good!

I'm impressed! You guys know your "movie houses." Here are the answers to Saturday's, "Guess what movie house this is?" game:

1. Sleeper Sleeper was a Woody Allen movie that has been described as a "Sci-fi satire." It was released back in 1996 and apparently was a big hit, though somewhat controversial. This home, which appeared in Sleeper, is known as the "sculptured House." It is located on Genesee Mountain, just outside of Denver, Colorado. There were a lot of big name actors in Kevin Bacon, Dustin Hoffman, Brad Pitt and Robert De Niro. I never saw it since I'm not really into Science Fiction.

2. Money Pit Well, the pic below pretty much gave this house away...although some folks suggested The War of the Roses, which was a good guess. But this house was actually in the movie Money Pit, which starred Tom Hanks and Shelley Long. I think all of us have felt like we were living in this house at one time or another. I especially liked the scene where Tom Hanks gets stuck in the floor...and yes, I mean stuck IN the floor. Pretty funny. If you've never seen this movie, you definitely need to rent it. I couldn't find anything online that said if this is/was a real home, but I suspect it wasn't and was probably just a movie set. Let's just say, I HOPE it wasn't a real home, because they truly abused this place in the making of the movie.

3. Home Alone Everyone got this house right, I think. This home is located just outside Chicago in the northern surburbs. It is responsible for much of the red and green you see throughout my home, especially in my family room and my master bedroom. I fell in love with the warmth and hominess of those two colors together, after seeing this movie. It's funny, I remembered that I absolutely loved this house when I saw the movie and yet, when I went back and watched the movie years later, I was shocked to see the decorating isn't that "fancy," for lack of a better word. As I recall, I was surprised to see the house actually had bold green carpeting throughout, something I would never do in my own home...yet it all just feels so homey and grand in the movie. I love, love, love all the windows in this house. This was THE house that made me start paying more attention to interiors in every movie I watched from that point on. Remember the little "jockey" guy out front that kept getting knocked over by every car that pulled up to the house. :-)

4. Psycho The house on the hill is the Bates Motel. Almost every one got this one...apparently Psycho is a movie not easily forgotten. Fortunately, I've never watched this movie...I'd still like to be able to take showers, thank you! :-) I read this home was destroyed after the first Psycho movie...then they rebuilt it on another location for the sequels, Psycho II and Psycho III. They had to rebuild it based on photos because the plans were somehow lost.

5. Father of the Bride Most everyone recognized this home, which is located in a residential section of Pasadena near San Marino. I actually saw the young couple who bought this home interviewed on an HGTV show a couple of years ago. They said the kitchen was basically gutted after the movie was over, so they had to "rebuild" it. They also said a lot of things built for the movie, were not built well, since they only needed to last a short while. I remember they mentioned that the picket fence pretty much just fell apart after they moved in; it had to be completely replaced with a real fence. They have also had problems with people stopping by, ringing their door bell and asking if they can tour the home! How annoying is that?!?

6. A Christmas Story Pretty much everyone guessed this house correctly...hard to miss that lovely, fish-net-hose covered leg in the window! :-) This home, which is in Cleveland, Ohio, went up for sale several years ago for $99,000 and a guy named Brian Jones bought it. Brian was/is a HUGE fan of the movie so he had it completely restored back to the exact way it was in the movie. It's open for tours everyday and there's even a museum/gift store across the street from the home. They have a big 25 year celebration coming up this month on November 28th and 29th. I would love to tour this home. My son must have watched this movie a thousand times while growing up! :-)
Click here to visit the website containing lots of information about this home and the upcoming celebration.

7. Forces of Nature This one threw everyone for a loop. Most folks thought this house was in Savannah, and it does look like it could have been...but it's not. Forces of Nature was filmed in 1999 in South Carolina and it starred Sandra Bullock and Ben Affleck. The scenes that are supposed to take place at the "Cahill's" home in the movie, were filmed in this private residence which is known as "The Castle." The Castle is located in the low country, downtown Beaufort, and is apparently for sale now. You can take a full video tour of the home and gardens by clicking here . I liked the tour but the music they have playing during the tour is depressing...not house selling music, if you ask me! The gardens are truly amazing!

8. Ferris Bueller's Day Off A lot of folks recognized this house. This movie is supposed to have taken place in the Chicago area, and much of the movie is filmed in and around that city. But the actual home scenes were filmed in a house in the Long Beach area of California. I still remember that crazy principal...didn't he climb in through the doggy door? :-)

Thanks for all your great guesses. I can tell you all like movie houses as much as I do! :-)

Tomorrow is Tablescape Tuesday! :-) This past weekend I put together a "winter" themed tablescape that I will be posting on Tuesday. I'll also have links to many blogs that will have wonderful tablescapes posted for your enjoyment. See you tomorrow!

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