Sunday 16 November 2008

Hot Tea, A Cozy Fire, and a Romantic Comedy...

Won't you join me for a spot of tea?

My sister, Glenda, recently came across a really interesting and pretty way to make hot tea. And knowing I like to entertain in my home from time to time, she surprised me with a gift of one of these little tea pots. Have you ever seen one of these?

Inside I found a bunch of little packets of green tea...they had names like London Fog, Oriental Beauty, Camellia Joy, Fairy Lily and Juliet's Kiss.

I chose Camellia Joy...

Here's what was inside the little packet...ummmmm, looks a little different than your standard tea bag, doesn't it?

I followed the directions and placed it in the tea pot.

Then I poured steaming hot water into the tea pot...and something magical began to happen...

The little tea ball opened...

and a pretty flower began to emerge...

It grew and grew...and it did, indeed, look a bit like a camellia...

How I wish I could share the fragrant jasmine scent with's heavenly!

In just 4-5 minutes, I had a fragrant, delicious pot of hot tea.

Time to curl up in front of the fire with my cup of hot tea. I'm going to watch, The's one of the movies you guys all said had a great "movie house" in it. :-) Can't wait...wish you were here to see it with me!

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