Saturday 1 November 2008


In celebration of the 100th guest signing my guest book located at the bottom of my blog, I posted earlier in the week about a little Give-A-Way. :-) To be entered in the drawing, you simply needed to comment on that post...last day to comment on that particular post was Friday.

I had planned to announce the winner on Monday, but I thought, why wait...let's do it sooner! So Happy Sunday and let's see who our winner is!

Here's how the winner was chosen: Saturday morning I printed off all the comments...there were around 85 total. I sorted through them to remove any duplicates, and then I trimmed down each of the "comments" so they were all equal in size...tried to make the process as fair as hanging chads here! :-)

Then it was time to go on a little scavenger hunt through the house to find a container that would hold 80+ folded pieces of paper. This enamel ware pitcher in the bonus room looked like it would work just fine.

Out went the sunflowers...

Here are all of the comments, folded and ready to go into the pitcher for the drawing...

Oh, what are we drawing for, you ask? A hot chocolate maker, with a frother. :-) It's just like the one I have and can see mine up top in the header picture.

Here's how all the comments looked down inside the enamel ware pitcher...

I put my hand in and stirred the pieces of paper round and round and round....

Then I closed my eyes and reached in, pulling out the first piece of paper my hand touched.

Drum roll, please! And the winner is:

Congratulations Bo! :-) Bo is also a fellow blogger. You can visit her blog which is Blinks 'N Winks from Brown-Eyes

Thanks to everyone who left a comment on Monday's post! If you didn't win this time, take heart...there will be other little Give-a-Ways in the future. :-)

Tomorrow (Monday) I'll have a little ghost story for you! And Tuesday is Tablescape on the pink Tablescape Tuesday logo for all the details. Love to have you join in the fun!

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