Sunday 26 October 2008

Five Minute Wreath and A Give-A-Way! :-)

There are two doors leading from my screened-in porch into my home. One takes you into the family room, the other into the kitchen. During the summer, I tried to find a pretty wreath to hang on the door to the kitchen, but the prices I kept seeing were way more than I wanted to spend.

One day as I was bumping around inside a store we have here in the Atlanta area called Old Time Pottery, I came across some pretty wisteria garland...and a little light bulb went off. For once it wasn't a light bulb with a huge price tag. That's usually the kind of light bulb that goes off in my brain! :-)

I bought two pieces of garland for a cost of around $16 and within about 5 minutes of my arrival home...I had myself a wreath. What do ya think?

I just made a big circle out of the garland and using some green wire I already had, I wired the two pieces of garland together. One piece of garland would have been too skimpy, but two worked out just fine. The wire you use to hold the garland in a circle helps give the wreath support and helps it hold round its shape. If you wanted more flowers for variety or color, don't see why you couldn't just attach them with some additional wire. I wanted to keep my wreath color-scheme simple so it wouldn't compete with the fabrics used out on the porch.

I really like the crispness of the green and white together. It also nicely compliments the basket of flowers on the other door that leads from the porch to the family room.

$16 + 5 minutes of labor = Instant Wreath. I think I like this equation! :-)

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