Wednesday 22 October 2008

Dreaming of Lace...

I came across this picture in a magazine and unfortunately, I can no longer remember the name of now. It stopped me DEAD in my tracks. Does that ever happen to you? Well, it doesn't happen to me very often! I have perused so many decorating magazines and books over the years that it takes something really different to really grab my eye. After I closed my mouth before a big honking fly flew in, I drooled over the page for a while and ultimately thought...this is too good not to share.

The funny thing is, it wasn't this amazing room that stunned wasn't even the impossible length of that table! It was that gorgeous, completely impractical, lace tablecloth sprawled all over the floor. It's gone way past the point of is outright sprawled! And, I love it!!! Never mind that you would have to be lifted up and over the lace by your butler, Wadsworth, to get into your seat for dinner. And you know you have a butler if your dining room looks like this! :-)

I have this little ongoing struggle with's called, "What new thing will I buy next that is so beautiful and so completely impractical that it borders on being ALMOST unusable", the operative word being "almost." I mean, I do have some standards!

On the other hand, I've never been one to stoop so low as to let functionality get in the way of outright gorgeousness. What do you mean "gorgeousness" isn't a real word? Look at that lace table is bathed in gorgeousness!

So I did a little online shopping, you know...just in case I win the next HGTV Dream Home. Hey, it could happen! I feel it my duty to inform you that "gorgeousness" has its price...and its price has 4 digits! OUCH! Lace tablecloths at Horchow and Neiman Marcus START at $1,000 and go up to $1,600 depending on the length of your table.

Neiman Marcus even had lace napkins...but daaahhhling, how do you pat french truffles, caviar, and champagne from around your mouth with a napkin made of lace? :-) Oh, who cares! If you're buying a lace gotta have the napkins, too!!!

I can just see Max now...all 15 lbs of his furry little body, curled up and purring on the nice, soft lace bed at each corner of the table. :-)

I just hope Wadsworth doesn't trip over Max when he's lifting me up over the lace and into my chair. :-)

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