Saturday 10 July 2010

Super Secret New Project!

So here I am... sitting in the pitch black dark of my teensy little room with only the light from my computer. It's 3:19am and I'm exhausted yet I can't sleep. While laying in bed I came up with an idea... something I want to do. A fun little project and I want you to be involved. This project is a bit involved though, so it will require absolute participation for if one person in the link throws it off, the entire thing will come crashing down. I want this to be international. I want this to be exciting. I want this to be inspiring.

So what I'm going to do is test my little theory project. I'm going to take the first five ladies who comment and leave their email address as participants in this project. Please note, however, that this test is only open to residents of the USA. (Don't worry, foreign friends! I'm coming for you next! I just want to test this with haste and get the ball rolling!)

So ladies, if you're interested in playing along and you live in the USA (and you can devote 5 minutes of your time and $1 to mail the package off), please leave your email address below so I can contact you about this! I want to start it TOMORROW! Only the first 5 will be taken at this time! (And hopefully I'll announce the full thing in a couple of short weeks!)

Trust me, it'll be fun!


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