Tuesday 6 July 2010

nike + ipod

i'm sorry sorry sorry that i haven't said anything whatsoever in the past 2 days. it's been crazy. just on a little vacation, which is nice. but i have neglected my blogging job! ha..

i just had to come to you all today and express my complete satisfaction for the nike + ipod business. i recently got myself some new nike's and also a new iphone 4 so i have the application available to my use, to track my workouts on my iphone. and let me tell you how amazing this is!!! wooo hooo!

it has made working out and the actual desire to go out running, a success every single day. i love love love it. i just had to share.

now, check out these gorgeous pictures i found on weheartit, as well as a few of my own... i heart nike.

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