Sunday 11 July 2010

My Weekend

as stated in previous post, i love riding roller coasters and anything fun and crazy. this weekend i went to a carnival in american fork, utah with my boyfriend [marcos], his brother [ricardo] and girlfriend [ashley].

hours before arriving, we had driven past and i saw all of the fun rides and thrills that the carnies had set up. and deep down inside, even though they're super dangerous and actually killed a carnie recently, i wanted so bad to ride just one

i knew that my very cautious boyfriend would not want to go on the ride for a few reasons:
1. like i said, he's very cautious and very safe.
2. because he would get sick from the fast and intense motion.

sooooooooo he then said that his brother, ricardo, should ride with me. his girlfriend, ashley also did not wish to ride. so only the gutsy and partially crazy were left to ride.

[do you see the look of crazy in our eyes?] ;)

so 6 tickets were purchased for ricardo and i so that we could ride a 'quickly set up' and probably 'not all that safe' ride. we got in line and waited for the current ride to stop. my stomach started to twist and i was soooooooo excited! i leaned towards ricky and warned him of one huge problem that i have when i ride crazy rides like this. i couldn't NOT tell him. i leaned in and said, 'just so you know, i giggle on these rides. a LOT.'

we headed towards our cart and bolted ourselves in. the carnival worker didn't even check our cart to make sure that it was fastened properly. i guess that just the look of maturity in ricardo's face made the carnival worker sure that we had strapped ourselves in correctly. hahah. those crazies. they don't even care about safety. ha

but the ride started and there was no going back. this ride, was what i like to call, 'bad a'. i had not been on a fun carnival ride since i can't remember when. so this was so super fun! i'm glad marcos and i have such fun family to hang out with.

the evening was topped off with a delicious funnel cake. there couldn't be anything better! how was your weekend?

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