Wednesday 7 July 2010

Here's to growing up!

There are a lot of exciting things going on right now and I'm all a buzz buzz buzz 24/7 it seems. Mike and I have been very stressed about finding a place to live once I get back to Tennessee but I'm happy to report that he filled out an application for us at these adorable, brand new townhouses in Spring Hill today! I really hope they're as amazing as they seem/look. Spring Hill is about 15 minutes south of Franklin so we'll be living a bit further from both his work and my school, but we'll also be closer to my job which means a much shorter drive at 3am on the weekends! It's definitely not a done deal or anything, but we were looking for something with a 6 month lease that was still nice so we decided to venture south a bit. This will [hopefully] keep me out of the mall so darn often! But then again, there is a Super Target down the street. Oof! Anywhoo, there are 4 available that we're going to choose from provided they don't rent in the next two weeks. We might be throwing down a deposit before I even fly back! 

Here are a couple crap-lighting iPhone photos Mike took today. They're split level so we'll have an upstairs and not have to worry about anyone above or below us. I'll also have my very own office/studio/workspace! A 2-bedroom 2-bath was the only option for us so that's fine. Even though we don't own any furniture, we're planning on thrifting stuff for the time being.

Cute, right?

And here are my crappy iPhone-in-mirror outfit shots for today and yesterday. I set up my tripod in my room but man alive, I can't get a decent photo! Looks like the legit outfit photos will have to wait two more weeks until I'm back in the sweet throngs of Tennessee. (But I'll be on top of it, don't worry!) 

dress: forever 21 ($25), bike shorts: h&m ($6), shoes: deena & ozzy for UO ($38)

dress: urban outfitters ($68), bike shorts: h&m ($6), shoes: deena & ozzy for UO ($38)

Mike and I are very excited about our new place but of course we don't have anything to furnish or decorate with! But in a way, this is good because we also don't have anything to clutter up the place! Haha I have something in mind that I'm going to post a little bit later today and I hope y'all get excited about it and want to participate! I'll save that for the later post though! Now I'm going to finish up at work! 


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