Thursday 8 July 2010

Giveaway + Feature over at MarySew!

The lovely Trisha was kind enough to do a feature on me + my etsy over at her blog! There's also a giveaway you can enter to win anything from my etsy shop! (My etsy is currently on "vacation mode" but I'm opening it back up long enough for the giveaway so you can see what I've got. I have most of the already made items (Headbands, etc) at my NYC apartment, but the I don't have any fabrics, etc. So we may have to work out what you get! Anywhoo, head on over by CLICKING HERE and check it out! Thanks Trisha!


PS: My flight home has been booked! Excited and nervous and all sorts of things! I just hope I can get all of my stuff shipped off solo!

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