Wednesday 25 February 2009

Fireside Dining in the Library, Spode Woodland...Welcome to the 27th Tablescape Thursday!

A while back I did a tongue-in-cheek post where I showed you this unbelievable dining room, pictured below. (To read that post, click HERE.)

When I came across this room in a magazine, the thing that really caught my eye, stopping me dead in my tracks, was the gorgeous tablecloth. It was just so over-the-top and impractical...which of course, was exactly why I loved it! :-) I started pricing lace tablecloths online and quickly realized I would not be buying one any time soon...some were over $1,000!

A few weeks ago, when I visited my sister, Glenda, she offered me a pretty spread she had bought for her bed, but had decided not to use. Well, the minute I saw it, I had a plan. :-)

Won't you join me for an intimate dinner for two in the library. Ok, it's my family room...but for this's the library. :-) This side is "library like" dream along with me. I've always thought the perfect dining room would be lined with shelves upon shelves of old, musty, leather bound books...and of course a crackling, hot fire.

So here's our fire...and how do you like our "lace" tablecloth. Notice how it sprawls across the floor like the inspiration photo. :-)

We'll sink into our red, velvet chairs, at our lace covered table...a cozy dinner for just the two of us.

The "library" has a bit of a doggie/hunt theme, as you can see here...

and here...

and here.

So, I've carried this theme right onto our table...

Spode, Woodland seemed the perfect china for our evening in our cozy, hunt themed library...

The salad plate...

And the dinner plate...

We'll sip our red wine from crimson glasses, in front of a glowing, hot fire...

Crimson hock glasses are by Waterford...

Of course, there must be candlelight, always candlelight...

I love the warm glow created by the candle.

In the library we are surrounded by incredible tales and beautifully written stories...

As we create our own story...

Look, someone wants to give us a lovely basket of flowers! :-)

A perfect evening...

for a cozy glad you could join me! :-)

Please don't forget to visit all the links below to view lots of wonderfully creative and gorgeous tablescapes!

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Please link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful tablescapes posted on this Tablescape Thursday.

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The following blogs have beautiful tablescapes awaiting your visit:

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